Chapter 6- A New School. A New Disguise.

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I do enjoy playing games. At the very least, you should recognize the most satisfying and significant part, is the chase. I love the chase. And yet, it would seem that you're begging for me to chase after you, considering your lack of communication and response to my requests.

Remember this, Samantha, you rolled the dice, so I have no option but to play the game.

You're mine, and always will be. You must realize by now that running, will only go so far. So stop being blind minded and childish, and end this, before things become messy. I have no intention to get my hands dirty, but if I must, it's on your hands, not mine.

I've never been one to maintain patience with childish behaviors. So please understand when I say that this is your last warning. Come home to me, or I'll come to you, and when that happens; I swear to god Samantha, all hell is about to break loose.

And trust me, you don't want that, love.

I shuddered in disgust, at Damon's message. Fear consumed me, and I had almost shrieked at the thought of seeing Damon again. With shaking hands, I shrugged my phone back in my pocket.

Determined and agitated, Damon had been continuously messaging me this entire weak. But with each message, left no response. I refused to acknowledge his messages, even though they awakened vile feelings inside me. Yet, this had not lessened his eagerness to find my surroundings.

I had replaced my surroundings, so it would be unknown to him. Yet, for some reason, he still seemed to be able get hold of my phone number. I had almost scoffed at the thought, knowing that his wealthy connections would have helped him with that.

That rich bastard.

"Sam?" Tessa broke me from my thoughts, her voice lingering in the soundless atmosphere. "Yeah?" I questioned, slightly dazed, by my thoughts. "What happened?" Tessa asked, eyes moving between the road and me.

 I sighed, running my hand down my face in annoyance. "My tolerance for idiots is extremely low today. I used to have some immunity built up but obviously there is a new strain out there." I said referring to Damon, but of course Tessa had no idea of this. Instead she opened her mouth to question me.

"We're here!" I suddenly exclaimed, to avoid Tessa's questioning. She merely sighed, placing the car in a narrow parking space.

Sighing softly, I glanced out the window; my new schools mere feet away.

Kings High School. What a cliché name for a school, I thought silently.

"Remember what we said?" Tessa questioned, giving me a hopeful expression. I shook my head, but really, I just enjoyed watching her irritated face. I smirked, as she sighed in annoyance; messing her hair with one hand, frustratingly.

"You're Natasha Collins. Age 16. Year 10. Social status, mild. You avoid interactions with people, and rather be kept to yourself. You're socially awkward, nerdy; so on. You get the drift. Just keep a low profile and keep your head down" she repeated from earlier this morning, raising a skeptical eyebrow, as if to intimidate me. As if she could, I almost scoffed at the thought.

"Tessa, Tessa, Tessa, Tessa" I tsk'ed her. "You didn't need to right a bloody essay" I said, quirking an eyebrow. She rolled here eyes at this, turning to me with narrowed eyes. "If I wanted a bitch, I'd bought a dog" she smiled innocently.

I rolled my eyes at this. "Ouch, Tessa. Ouch," I said, putting a hand over my heart, in mock of hurt. She chuckled, playing with her nails.

Suddenly realization took over me, and all humor was gone. "Why can't you come. You're my age, too. We both need to finish school" I stated, matter of factually.

She smiled sadly, in response. I didn't like that look. "There's some things I have to deal with." She spoke softly, looking away. I knew it wasn't good, whatever she was dealing with, but for some reason I didn't speak a word. I didn't want to know. I refused to add another line to our 'not so good luck' list. (I actually had a list, believe it or not.)

As I reopened the car's door, Tessa grabbed onto my wrist quickly, stopping me abruptly. "Here" she said, handing me the thick, ugly glasses, she had shown me a weak ago( ;when we had been packing to leave).

Snatching the ugly item from her hand, I placed them on my face, and I had narrowly noticed her muffle a laugh by my new appearance. I raised an eyebrow at this, and she imminently stopped. "It goes well with your clothing choice. Thanks for listening to me for once, and not wearing your leather jacket." She said, smiling.

I merely rolled my eyes. "This isn't going to last" I grumbled, implying my disguise. She softly nodded, pushing me out of the car.

She drove away quickly, knowing that I would have killed her for pushing me, and shouts out "Don't screw up, Sis!". I waved my middle finger at her, in fair well. 

Rolling my eyes, again, I sagged my normally confident posture, into a sloppy one. I turned my intimidating gaze, into a shy, insecure one. I fiddled with my fingers nervously, when I was really inwardly rolling my eyes at the act.

This wasn't me. None of this was me.

None of this was going to end well. And for what? For some possessive Ex?

Turning my attention to the school, I felt the many eyes on me. There gaze lingered, some snickers were made known, as I walked myself into the building. I couldn't blame them though. I would be laughing at myself too, if I had seen someone wearing the ugly garments I was now. Yet, it didn't stop me from wanting to punch the living day lights out of them.

There was one guy, which was so openly laughing at me, he was clutching his stomach; almost in tears by his laughter. Now this truly was pathetic. So he was laughing at me, because I seemed physically distasteful to the human eye; when he was so fat, he could sell money for shade? Because that made sense... not. 

Once he was finally done laughing; which might I add, took a long fucking time! He started a rant about how huge his dick was. "A to Z, I tell you! It is that big" He exclaimed, and my hands twitched in anticipation. Although it was important to keep my identity a unknown, I couldn't help but jump into the conversation, with his two other friends. 

"Look at a key bored" I said innocently, fluttering my eyelashes at him; as I fixed the thick glasses on my nose. 

His face suddenly became red with anger and I fought against the laughter, which threatened to fall from my lips. His reaction was that funny. I was just about to say another comment about how tiny his dick was, when a load husky chuckle interrupted us.

I turned my head, this certain laughter instantly familiar.

Turning my eyes, I met the dangerously dark eyes; for the second time. Although, it never once seemed to take my breath away. Unfortunately, he was that stunning. He even took Samantha Grey's breath away. 

He tilted his head to the side, his smirk finding it's way on his lips. He was leaning against a wall, as girls fondled over him. Pity I was in this stupid disguise, and then I'd show those girls the real competition. 

Once again, he raised his hand to run through his hair. It was a habit off his, I easily picked up. "Very funny, nerd" he commented. 

And there it was, the word I dreaded the most. I knew that it was an unfeasible thought, in thinking that I could avoid this. After all, being a nerd was all intentional. If anything, everything was going as planned. 

Just the fact that I, Samantha fucking grey, was classified as a nerd was almost laughable. If only they knew the truth, I thought distastefully. 

"T-t-thank-s-s" This whole stuttering thing, was completely embarrassing. I can't believe I actually agreed with Tessa, in doing this entire disguise. 

He smirked, and for the second time, he asked me the same question.

"Have I seen you before?" 


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