Chapter 2: Selfish People Do Selfish Things

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I know this chapter may be slow, but I promise next chapter will start to spice up ;)

2 years ago...

"I-I don't want to drink that. S-sorry" her lips curved a frown, as her body slowly shook with fear. She had always been easily apprehensive. So as if it was instinct, she stepped back, away from him.

The guy scowled, a scoff of annoyance escaping him. "Don't you want to have fun? Come on, baby" he said, taking a step forward, to replace the step she had taken back.

"B-Baby? I-I'm not a baby" she muttered softly, beneath her timid breath but he didn't seem to hear. Or maybe he just had no interest for her nonsense.

Instead, his hand, which held a red plastic cup, advanced towards her lips. "Drink!" He demanded frustratingly. He was beginning to loose patience with her, and he was willing to use force if he had to.

"P-please-" her sentence was ended as she choked on the acid-like liquid, which poured forcefully down her throat. Her eyes watered, as she shoved against his chest, attempting to push him away but he hadn't even flitch. He was a wall of muscle. Tears brimmed her eyes, blurring her vision, and she became limp in his arms, giving in.

Suddenly the guys tight grip vanished forthwith, and she slowly opened her eyes. "J-Jay?" She whispered, as she watched her childhood best friend through a forceful punch at the guys face. "Jay!" She repeated, this time more determined.

She was excited by his appearance, yet astonished by his sudden violent actions. Jay had always been a caring, kind person towards Samantha, that it was a shock to see this side of him. Clutching onto Jay's muscular arm, she pulled him away from the guy, which was now unconscious on the floor.

"What is it?!" Jay yelled, anger coursing through him and she took a step back, flinching. Jay had never yelled at her before. Had never been rude to her in any form, that it had upset Samantha further.

His eyes slowly softened, regret surfaced his eyes. "Sammy, I'm sorry" he said, leaning in to wrap his arms around her slim waist, pulling Samantha into a tight, reassuring hug. "Are you okay?" He asked, leaning back to stare her in the eyes. She nodded shyly, but he frowned, raising his thumb to wipe away the tears staining her cheek. She had forgotten they were there.

Blushing a crimson red, she suddenly felt giddy by his actions. "I-I was just about to look for Damon" she said, looking down at her feet. Damon had been missing for almost the entire night, even though he had promised to be by her side the whole time. To keep her safe. She had never enjoyed accompanying parties, yet Damon was the only reason she was still standing there. And now he wasn't even there.

And yet, Samantha kept replaying his promise in her mind. "I'll be with you the entire night. I'll keep you safe, Sam. I promise". And He had Brocken his promise, yet this shouldn't have come to a surprise to her. Like always, with every promise he made, he broke. And that's just the way he was.

He was a manipulative, insensitive person, which cared for nothing but himself. Though, Samantha saw the good in people, even though there was nothing good about Damon. But she was naïve about his selfish intentions.

Jay suddenly looked away, refusing to meet her gaze. It would seem only natural to ask Jay were he was, since Damon and Jay were best-friends. In some cases, maybe even closer then Samantha and Damon were. But something seemed off about his actions. So she stayed quiet. Turning around abruptly, "I'm going to find him" Samantha said over her shoulder.

A tight hand gripped around her arm, stopping her instantly. "No!" Jay exclaimed. "I-I mean, I think Tessa was looking for you. You should go to her instead" he tried, but she turned her gaze to were Tessa was, kissing, what she assumed to be her boyfriend, Luke. "I think she's occupied" Samantha said, smiling softly at Jay.

Why was he so determined for her not to find Damon. Damon was her boyfriend after all. She had the right to see him...right?

"Well you can't see him" Jay said suddenly, as if reading her thoughts. She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. "Why not?" Samantha asked but he stayed silent. Although,she swore she had heard him say "he may also be occupied", but she shrugged it off as a figment of her imagination.

Turning away from Jay, for the last time, she went in search to find him; leaving Jay behind. He was stuck in deciding whether to chase after her, stop her or let everything take place. Watch as her heart shatters.

Sighing, he didn't move. He didn't run and save her. He just stood still, motionless, as he watched her retreating form. He did nothing but watch as everything she once believed in was about to fall apart.

And maybe he was selfish for that.
Maybe he was selfish that he enjoyed this situation far to much.
Maybe he was happy that he was about to watch a relationship, he despised so much, about to fall apart.

And with that, he started for the opposite direction.

As far away from her as possible.

Because selfish people, do selfish things.


Confusing? Keep reading and maybe things will start to unravel!


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