Chapter 18- I Think Not.

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Colton didn't come to school today.

Neither did Jay come back to the apartment, either. 

For some reason, the thought of both boys disappearing, at the same time, left an unsettling thoughts. 

Coincidence? I think not.

Slouching down into my school chair, I fixed the glasses on my noise. They were starting to become a nuisance, the way it rubbed against my nose. 

Unlike normal, when my main mindset was to focus on school work like a true 'nerd', my mind was a daze. Unlike the two apparent missing boys, I had other issues to deal with first.

Firstly: Damon is in town.

That much was clear to me. He kissed me, and left behind a bracelet; only he could own. For some reason, I felt as though he wanted me to find the bracelet. He wanted me to know that he had kissed me that night, and that I had willingly kissed him back. He must have mistaken it for my forgiveness towards him. But I could never forgive him, after what he had done to me. And how could you have blamed me! I mean, For Christ's sake, I couldn't even see him and I was drunk. Hardly my fault. 

Secondly: Tessa hadn't woken yet.

Yes, she was breathing perfectly fine, in her apartment bed but  I was still cautious. Was she healing properly? Should I have just taken her to a hospitable? Colton had told me numerous times before, that she would be fine. All she needed was a good nights rest... to be honest, he had many traits of a doctor. I wouldn't have been surprised if that was his intentional career for the future. He'd would make a good doctor.

thirdly: Colton now knew that I was Razor, The name I was called after in boxing.

This was quite possibly the most biggest 'issue' I had to deal with. Colton had figured out that I wasn't only just the Bad girl, but I was undercover disguised to beet him in a boxing match. I bet that had been really suspicious to him. I was just thankful he hadn't found out that I was also an undercover nerd.

 I remembered me running from him last night, bolting down the streets to my apartment. There was no room for questioning or explanations. After all, running from my problems was in my expertise. 

Completely fazed by my own thoughts, I hadn't seemed to notice Kyla waving/clicking her fingers in front of my face; attempting at grasping my attention.

Blinking blankly at her, I tilted my head. "Yeah?" I said, 'startled'. I'm never startled, but apparently that was in my description to do so. 

Kyla stared at me with an exaggerated expression, rolling her eyes. "Have you seriously not been listening to a word I have been saying, for the past 10 minutes?!" She demanded, unbelieving of my obliviousness.  

"" I questioned, smiling 'shyly'. I'm never shy.

"There's a party on tonight!" She beamed. I almost groaned, just the thought of another party. I mean, look how the last one ended! My ex--slash--enemy kissed me, The towns bad boy almost kissed me, my sister's throat had been sliced... oh and I had a killer hangover the next morning. Like hell I was going to another party, and so soon!

Kyla must have known by my expression that I wasn't as keen as she seemed to be and she frowned. "Please" she pleaded.

frowning at her, I did realize this was probably the only opportunity she had to go to a party. And she was basically my only friend here... 

"Why do you want to go so badly?" I questioned. 

She blushed suddenly, turning away. Strange. "There's this guy..." she left her sentence hanging. I narrowed my eyes at her, pushing her to continue. "And..." I said.

She sighed. "And he's going to be at the party and I- I really like him..." She met my eyes, silently begging. "Really, really like him" she murmured embarrassed. She was adorable.

"Well, what's his name then?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. She looked away. "He told me not to tell you" she said softly, and I looked at her startled by her words. "Does he know me?" Even this confused me. I thought I had been keeping a low profile. How did a stranger suddenly know me? This was becoming too dangerous for my liking.

Kyla shrugged. "He just said he wanted to surprise you. Don't ask me what he meant, I have no idea. Just can we please go" She pleaded. I sighed, leaning back in the chair.

"What's in it for me?" I questioned, and I realized my change in personality. I was acting a lot different then a nerds characteristics was suppose to be. I was only thankful that Kyla didn't seem to notice. 

"His brother Colon will be there" She smiled widely. "I can match both of you too together" She winked. I forced a blush, though I was certain I'd heard that name before. Were had I heard Colon from before? Shrugging it of, I sighed again. 

"Fine" I gave in, dipping my head into my hands, in exhaustion. Kyla squealed suddenly, drawing many eyes to her. "Come over to my house this afternoon so we can get ready" She exclaimed excited. I just nodded.

It was strange to see her so excited for some party. I mean, I went to one nearly every weekend. Nothing special. Though I had to keep reminding myself that this was her first party after all. Of course she would be excited.

Suddenly Kyla leaned in, her mood dying down slightly. I had to move back so her breath wasn't fanning my face. Cringe moment. 

"Oh, and there's a new guy. Apparently even hotter then Jay" She said. I almost rolled my eyes, unable to picture Jay as hot. He was like a brother to me, nothing more. I was suddenly reminded of his disappearance and I squirmed in my seat.

"Know his name?" I questioned absentmindedly. 

"Kacy" She breathed, eyes dazed above my head. Why wasn't she looking at me? Strange girl. 

"Last name?" I questioned, playing with my fingers, bored out of my mind.

I was startled by the hands straddling my hips from behind, a chin dipped in between the gap of my shoulders and neck, suddenly. His breath fanned my neck and the stranger chuckled deeply as I squirmed. 

Wait. I knew that laugh--

"Dawson" He breathed behind me, twirling a stray of my hair between his fingers playfully. 

"Brother of Damon, and Colon Dawson. Though in my opinion, personally the most sexiest out of all the brothers-- or just the sexiest being in existence." He chuckled, and I rolled my eyes; knowing perfectly well who was behind me.

Suddenly he turned me around to face him, as I felt all the students eyes staring intensely at us. 

Kacy's eyes raked over me and before I could put a hand to cover his mouth, he boomed into laughter. He was at the point, he was laughing so much his eyes brimmed with tears; clutching onto his stomach to support the pain.

"The fuck you wearing those hideous glasses for?" 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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