Chapter 16- Asking For Colton's Help

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I know, I know. This chapter may be a bit boring but important! Next chapter is much more exciting! :)

previously in Bad Girl In Glasses....

Giving Jay an accusing glance, I forced my way through the apartment. What was he hiding? And most importantly, Who was inside my apartment?

Just as I was about to hunt down whoever was trespassing, I stopped at the sight before me.

There an hysteric Layla stood, her back pressed firmly against Luke's chest. But that wasn't my main concern.

It was the knife, which Luke held against her neck. 


Taking a small step forwards, I whimpered "Tessa--" 

Just as I leaned in for another step, a loud gasp was known. I froze at the sight of Tessa's blood trickling down her neck.

Turning to a smirking Luke, I clenched my fist. "Don't touch her"  I gritted out of my teeth. A loud sob was heard, and I fought the urge to turn to a tearing Tessa. I would not be able to hold myself from killing Luke, if I took one glance in her direction.

"Well, don't come any closer or she'll be losing a lot more blood then that" Luke spoke cockily, tilting his head to the side in challenge. Gritting my teeth.

"Now, since we have that settled; I'd like to speak with you"  He said in a business tone. Glaring at him, I looked away. 

He decided to continue, however. "Damon warned you. He directly told you not to run. To come to him. Yet, he was also very clear about you'r punishments, if you took his words lightly. Instead, this--" He turned his head down to a now unconscious Layla, in his arms. "--Is what happens to those, who don't listen to Damon."

 I became restless at the sight of my un-conscious sister and the blood which stained at her skin. And I knew that she needed medical assistance urgently, yet I knew Luke wouldn't let that happen. Not before he finished speaking to me.

"Please let her go" I whimpered, and I could feel Jay's eyes on me; from across the room. I ignored it, though.

"Damon has a message for you" Luke went on; ignoring me, his eyes connecting with mine. I gulped, getting ready for him to continue.

"He wants you to stay put" was the unexpected words, I was met with.

Shocked and utterly taken back by his words. "What?" I questioned, bewildered. 

"No more running" Luke said plainly. "You thought that running would solve everything, didn't you? You thought that would work" Luke scoffed, chuckling a humorless laugh.

I stayed silent, unable to say anything in my defense. He was right. I should never have ran. My pitiful actions, put Tessa's life to the test. And I was nothing but to blame. It was just like Damon had said, he would always win. Always.

"So if you'd rather run again, go ahead!" Luke exclaimed, waving a hand at the door. "Run and run and run! But Damon promises you one thing. He will find you and you'r punishment will be a hundred times worse. Completely unbearable."  Luke threatened, his fingers dancing on Layla's shoulder.

I nodded quickly, only so he could leave; and I could finally aid Layla.

"Do I make Damon's order clear?" Luke asked, quirking his head to the side. I nodded again. He smirked. "Good"  he commented, dropping Layla's body to the ground; with a loud thump.

"Layla!"  I yelled, running to her, my eyes balling up at the sight of her. I had never meant for this to happen to her. I never meant for any of this. Suddenly my mind ran back to Layla's words, week's ago.

"How can I trust you, when the only thing you're capable of his screwing up, sister"

"Oh, and Samantha" Luke said, poking his head out of the door. I fought the urge to push it in his face. He took my silence for permission to continue.

"Damon said that he enjoyed kissing you last night. He's curious when round two will begin" Luke smirked at me, and then finally walked out of the house. I scowled at his words, disgusted.

Clutching Layla to my chest, I cried into her shoulder. I felt so vulnerable at this moment.I could never do anything right. I would always just end up hurting the ones that I love.

The burning gaze on my back, was now far to unbearable for me to avoid.  "What?!" I demanded at Jay, my eyes piercing through him with a burning hatred. "What ells do you want from me?!"  I screamed.

"Sam, I can--" "--Don't call me that! When you call me Sam, it makes it seem like we're close friends. But we're not!" I screamed again, breaking my promise to keep quite.

"Sam, I can explain--" "Go!"  I yelled, jabbing a finger at the door. He stayed silent at that. "Unless you can explain why you were in the same room, when Luke had been slicing her throat." I said, my voice now weak. When I finally came to that conclusion, I knew how disgusting the thought was. 

If Jay didn't explain himself now, I'd know that he had just betrayed me. He threw our years of friendship, trust and love right out the fucking window. And he didn't even think twice when doing it. And I couldn't deal with that conclusion right now. I had to help Layla first. And that meant he needed to go.

Jay stayed silent, and I sighed. "That's what I thought"  I spat. Turning my stare away from him, "Go"  I whispered once more.

"--Sam, there's reason's why I did it. Reason that I can't tell you. But I promise you that I didn't help Luke. I promise--" "No!"  I screamed. "No more promise. You'll just fucking break them anyways."  He gulped.

"Go! Just fucking go! How many times must I say it to get it through your thick head?!" I demanded.

Slowly, he stood from his feat; walking to the door. With one last solemn glance in my direction; before he left, leaving me in a pile of messy tears.

Turning to my phone, I sighed. I needed help. I needed to help Layla, yet I was completely un-experienced. Bringing her to the hospitable, an open public space, would just make her vulnerable to Damon. I would never let a repeat happen of this. I silently promised myself, that.

I don't know what came over myself at that moment, put I couldn't seem to control my fingers against my phones screen, when I typed his number. And when he answered, I had nothing left to do but respond. 

respond to Colton.



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