Chapter 7- Their Abusive Relationship

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Thanks @GalaxyDragon2 for the cover! I love it!

-2 years ago (a few weeks before that one fatal night)-

Suddenly Damon snatched at Samantha's wrist, his eyes darkening; anger lacing them.

"You're not breaking up with me! You're mine!"  He sneered, lips raising into a scowl.

She pulled at his tight hold, but he wouldn't budge. Instead his hold, only tightened; the pressure he was increasing, was beginning to burn.

Whimpering softly, she remained soundless, her lips unable to form words; in fear of tears raking her body. So instead she nodded softly, at him and he smirked smugly, in satisfaction. "Good girl." He praised.

"But I can't let you get away with that, love" he said, his eyes darkening, again. Looking up at him pleadingly, his hold heightened, cutting the blood circulation at Samantha's wrists. "Damon please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" "-Enough!" He boomed, and she sobbed softly.

Sniffling, Samantha advanced back, crashing against the wall behind her. Suddenly her vision blurred at her clumsiness, and she looked up into Damon's furious eyes. 

"You know the consequences" he stated, matter of factually, taking a threatening step forward. Looking down in submission, she nodded.

She could just feel his devious smirk.

"Then I'm sorry, love" he said, making Samantha look up at him in question. But just as she met his gaze, a hand advanced towards her face, with a powerful blow.

She screamed painfully, at the force of his hit, slinging an arm around her body in attempts at cradling herself from falling. Black dots blurred her vision, tears tickling her colorless cheeks.

And as she fell to the floor, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist, pressing her to there chest, possessively.

"I hope you can understand that this is for the best, love" Damon hummed into her ear, not a hint of regret.

"I love you" was the last thing she heard, before the darkness consumed her completely.


Just the fact that I, Samantha fucking grey, was classified as a nerd was almost laughable. If only they knew the truth, I thought distastefully.

"T-t-thank-s-s" This whole stuttering thing, was completely embarrassing. I can't believe I actually agreed with Tessa, in doing this entire disguise.

He smirked, and for the second time, he asked me the same question.

"Have I seen you before?" 

I gulped, shaking my head quickly. I almost scoffed at the act. 

He slowly leaned back from the wall, he was pressed up against. Licking his lips, he eyed the baggy shirt on me; with disgust.

"Well," he begun huskily, pressing one hand against the wall, besides my head. Most girls glared at me, jealousy lacing there eyes. It wasn't my fault that he'd rather my attention, over those sluts. Although, there wasn't much competition there.

"That's strange. I'm sure--" he ran is fingers through his hair, again. "--I've seen you before..." uncertainty laced through him, his eyes quizzical. 

Silence over took us, and I looked away; pretending that I was oblivious to his intense stare on me.

"Strange" He murmured to himself, giving me an irritated stare; since I hadn't given him the answer he had been looking for. 

Giving me a suspicious glare, his charm turned off like a switch. It was clear to me now, That Colton only seduced girls to get what he wanted. He never truly liked me last night, he just wanted to have sex. And today was no different. He was only charming me into getting information. Since now there was no importance in me, there was no use for being kind. After all, I was just a nerd. 

Just like Damon, He was manipulative. If I thought about it more directly, Damon and Colton were almost identical, when established emotionally. They were both charming, used girls as garbage, flaunted over their dazzling look, even manipulated people into getting there way. 

If I wasn't pretending to be a nerd, I would have spat on him in disgust.

Narrowing his dangerous eyes on me, he was about to leave; when a fake blonde; with just as fake boobs, came up to Colton's side. Her eyes stared up at him longingly, fingers wrapping around his forearm. 

"Coltyyy-boo!" Her tantalizing voice squealed, making both Colton and I wince at her high pitch. 

"How many time do I have to say this, Courtney. Don't call me that" He growled, trying to untangle her fingers, from his arm. But to no valid. 

Suddenly, Courtney turned to me, a look of disgust passing her features. "You were talking to this, Colty-boo?" She questioned, almost in disbelief. "I told you, don't call me--" 

"Stay away from him!" She squealed at me and cutting Colton's sentence of indirectly, her eyes narrowed at me. Her high pitched voice, never ceased to shock me and I winced again. Bloody hell, my ears will start to bleed soon. 

Staying quite, I waited for her rant to end. I forced the urge to roll my eyes, because if I did, that would be completely out of a nerd character. Shame.

 "He's mine! Don't even try and take him away from me. You're just a disgusting little nerd" She spat out. I raised an eyebrow at this but continued to stay quite. Inside, I was having an internal battle, forming a plan in how I was going to murder her. 

It seemed her voice was getting on Colton's nerve, as well; since every time she would speak his eyes would narrow that tiny bit more. He gripped onto her arms suddenly, shutting her up imminently.  Pushing her against the wall, she giggled, as he smashed his lips down onto her; into a heated kiss. There bodies intertwined together, yielding the attention of most of the school's body. But there was something off about this entire situation. 

It took me moments before I realized that he was only kissing her to be quite.

Just like Damon, he would do anything to get his way. 

And one day, that would be his downfall. 

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