His Fateful Meeting

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"There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment." Sarah Dessen

1. His Fateful Meeting (Dante)

Great Britain in time of 19th Century...

"Isn't it lovely, Sir Scarfone?"

The woman on my left complimented one of my greatest paintings here in the grand gallery display. "Yes, indeed, and this is why I love art because it brings the ember of joy in me," I corresponded with them as I took a sip of my red wine before going over the next display of my work.

"Oh, it will be such a great honor if you will have me as your model for your art, Sir Scarfone," the other woman tried to charm my attention by biting her lower lip in a way that hinted a hidden allure however I simply dismissed her boldness.

"In your farthest dreams, Laurana. Sir Scarfone has many suitable models other than you, isn't that right, Sir?" the third woman interrupted in jealousy as she humbled herself with one of her appealing smiles. I merely smiled in accordance.

Entertaining such kind of women was such a grief to me but I still consummated in talking to them because everything was plain business. These women are rich and they belonged to the top social class in our society, hence the reason why I always found myself feigning  on a pretense that I am enjoying their company. It is so to help me gain fame from their status and to also sell my artworks at the same time. It was like hitting two birds with one stone.

For aught I knew, that was how the world goes in our society. You bribe them by any means and they will gladly take the bait. Money was all that mattered in this day of age and if you were wealthy then you'll be the gold in the mines of their hearts.

I'm Dante Scarfone, son of a Viscount and a young nobleman with everything the world can offer. I'm an only child born in my family and still not yet married so that made me the potential goal for wicked kind of women who marry gentlemen for status and money. And that was where they were wrong, because I don't find greatness in money, status or fame.

The only thing I have passion for was art. Being a painter was my desired profession. I love canvases, color paints and paintbrushes. Those were the things I only and truly love in this world.

"So tell me, Sir Scarfone, why pursue such profession when you can do anything more merit than this?" Laurana tried to get my attention again, this woman surely don't know the two words give up.

We now stood in front of one of my famous paintings which illustrated a young woman with her naked back drawn and a garden of orange tulips around her. Painting flowers was one of my secret to my artwork's success. The various kinds and colors of flowers were magic itself. They bear hidden meaning behind different nature of shades and painting such colors was what ignited the passion in me. However that wasn't the only driving force I had rather it was something else, it was a dream.

"It's because I dream to paint the most beautiful thing in the whole world." I said with proud determination.

"That's very admirable! But can you tell us what is this most beautiful that you seek?" the first woman decided to ask in correspond to my answer.

"I don't know, that is why it is the most beautiful because I have yet to seek what it is." I replied before finishing the rest of my wine in one go and my sight happened upon on the arrival of someone I knew.

"Now if you'll excuse me, ladies, I have something more important to attend to." I dismissed myself just after respectfully kissing their hands goodbye and before heading among the rest of the crowds.

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