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"If I know what love is, it is because of you."  Hermann Hesse

Dante Scarfone

The peacefulness of the outside world was resonating from the open window nearby. The blinding sunlight casted itself on the beautiful scene in front of me, enhancing the meanings and bringing out the life in it, and I smiled at the absolute success I attained.

The painting was undeniably simple but splendid.

It wasn't like the other paintings I had done in the past, more like it was far more outstanding. Not because of the color paints I used or because of the effort I put in, instead it was because of the image itself.

In the picture painted a couple of men holding hands, their backs turned, and the scene took place beside the fountain, the same fountain from the one in my memory.

The painting depicted one of the most special night I held dear in me. The image isn't close to perfection as the one I remembered but still it captured the moment I needed to see once more, and that said moment was when my heart was introduced to love. I wanted to see it and I wanted him to see this.

I put down the brush and began settling the tools back to its proper place.

It has been two years. I thought to myself.

Two years since Julian gave me another chance to love him and care for him, and I'm more willing to do more than that – I'll treasure him and not take him for granted again.

I finished arranging the tools when I noticed the letter he sent to me resting on top of the nightstand. He'll be home soon and that I anticipated for since he left two years ago. He desired to mend ourselves from our painful past and I understood him.

Because after all, life isn't a tale from a book and that it'll get better in a flick of a finger.

Both of us decided to change things for the better and he found that opportunity in a distant country. He chose to be a pianist teacher instead of being a famous theatre musician.

Julian left me but he promised to return and now he'll be soon enough.

On the other hand, I was doing well too.

I left home to live in a small house outside the city. I left the noble life I had for our future together hence I bought this house long ago in hope for a fresh start. I turned my sight from the letter and back to the painting once more – it also had been two years since I decided to paint again using my other hand this time and I'll admit that practice made me better.

Two years was a long time indeed.

Samuel had his bar rebuilt for a better one with the help of my parents, just right after my mother sold our mansion and riches.

She simply said that she didn't need them anymore because those things were nothing but material objects in the end. I just let her be like how my father did.

I stood up from the seat and picked up the red rose besides the letter.

The rose made me smile and made my heart bulge knowing that I'll give this to him on his return sooner or later. I also smiled knowing that he chose me in the end after the things I did.

I still feel bad for Lucas.

Of course I do because he loved Julian as much as I do and also because I knew how painful to see the person you love with someone else. I understood his pain and because of this understanding did I promised Lucas to give Julian the love and happiness he deserved – Lucas accepted it with no hard feelings.

He left to pursue medical studies in a place far from us and I didn't hear a word from him since then but I got a feeling that he found happiness there.

On the other hand, I heard from Marcus that his daughter started to support the orphanage in its financial needs or so he said.

I pulled out from my trance upon hearing the door opening a couple of feet behind me.

I could feel my chest pounding as the door closed soon after.

I didn't need to turn around to see the person because the familiar pair of arms encasing me already told me who it was. I could feel myself melting against the kind embrace of the man behind me and my heart listening to the loud heartbeats coming from him.

"I miss you, Dante." said an endearing voice to me.

His words caused my heart to leap in absolute delight and I wanted nothing more but to turn around and tell him how I missed him too through countless of kisses.

However, I held back.

I held back so I could grab his hand and kiss it in which I did. Then I spun around in a pace so slow that time decided to cease.

He still look gorgeous like he always was and I melted more at the passionate emotion he had in his eyes for me. I pressed my lips gently to his, endless confession of affection and devotion emanated from the bottom of my heart before finding its way inside him. He kissed me back almost the same, reciprocating the love I had for him.

I parted our lips and offered him the rose in my hand.

He took it but seemed to not notice something special from it until I lowered my knees on the ground. He stared at me in surprise.

"Will you marry me, Julian?"

His face appeared priceless and more so after he noticed the ring resting on top of the soft petals in the middle of the red rose. I took out the ring and put it on his finger.

A smile was all he could make as he looked at me like I was the most precious person in his entire life and I was happy to see it. I simply smiled back while holding onto his hands and stood up to embrace him with all my love knowing that he chose to share forever with me.

Finally, I'll be a husband to my beloved.

The End

Author's Afterword

Thank you so much for supporting this story from the beginning to the end. This story is a masterpiece and I'm happy to see that it became successful, being my first story and all.

Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved © Red Lady Nelle

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