His Temptation

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"There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable." – Mark Twain

2. His Temptation (Dante)

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Julian, Julian Hartwell."

The gorgeous man introduced himself casually. His name was all I know now while everything else was pure mystery to me, even the tempting charm he had in himself was such an enigmatic attraction. His every glance to me from the corner of his eyes as he talked with my companions was enough to make me nervous and restless in my own body. The way he would press his lips into a smile was all that needed to make me feel hot despite the cold atmosphere of the night and just by watching his chest that would rise from his deep breathing was all that needed too to steal my own breath away.

How he could make me feel this way was pure wonder to me.

"You're such a very talented pianist, young man. How come I never heard of your name? Is this your first time performing in front of people?" Sir Marcus started the conversation with him without formalities and politeness like they were already acquainted to each other for years.

"No, Sir. I had been playing the piano since I can remember but I only play when I would go around the town and visit orphanages. It's been my customary and I take passion in it. I certainly love it when the children like listening to my music," Julian chuckled at his words.

Truthfully, I was charmed from the words he said because he had the same passion as I when it came to our talents. Being proud of your talent was truly admirable but loving that talent of yours with your whole heart was the most impressive thing, and I admired him for it. He also seemed to be the type of person who didn't care if people judge him for having a less significant talent so again I was starting to think highly of this man.

"That's wonderful and I agree with you, young man, music do soothes the soul, children or not," Sir Marcus gave him a friendly pat in the shoulder and I couldn't understand the ember of bitterness building in my heart.

"It is truly wonderful, isn't it, Dante?" my fiancée called and they all turned to me. I then found myself imprisoned from the gorgeous man's profound stare that I gulped silently at it.

"Indeed," I answered as I instantly looked away.

I tried to search my head for an enlightenment as my free hand wandered my waistcoat where I grabbed a hold of my pocket watch.

Turning to my fiancée, I asked with eyes narrowing on the ticking hand of the watch,  "Would you like me to escort you and Sir Marcus back to your house, it is quite late already and I have my carriage prepared outside?"

Amelia made a small sound of reluctance at first but she knew she couldn't go against therefore she agreed, "I'll take that offer." She didn't like the idea of ending the evening without an intimate moment alone with me but, unfortunately, that was the farthest thing I had in mind. All I wanted tonight was to escape the gorgeous man's alluring presence.

Not too long we were outside the museum with my horse carriage already in wait. The Coach was large enough to fit a small family. The horseman was taking a close check on the rig in case there was a fault as we ambled towards the carriage. The two black horses were not in their best behavior as they would endlessly stomp their hooves on the ground, they were no doubt impatient as I was.

I opened the door and took Amelia's hand as she climbed the Coach very carefully so she wouldn't tear her dress apart carelessly. She occupied the seat on the one near the quarter window like usual since she always had fondness in watching the sceneries through the glass. Sir Marcus was about to follow his daughter inside when he stopped to face the gorgeous man.

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