His Misunderstanding

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Chapter 23: His Misunderstanding

“True love is still true, even if you can’t live it the way you want to.”  G.J. Walker-Smith

Dante Scarfone

The loud noise of a train steam whistling rang out of the black locomotive, indicating that we had already reached our destination. Happiness fondled inside me from the moment my shoes touched the stone pave ground of the station. I never felt so home in my life.

Hundreds of people departing and arriving here in the central station was more crowded than that of a cathedral during mass gathering.

“I’ll rent a carriage for us, are two enough?” Sir Marcus asked my parents after settling our things and luggage on the floor.

“No make it three,” my mother replied.

Their voices faded from my ears as I let my mind wander around in my surroundings. Train conductors were busy monitoring the number of incoming and outgoing passengers while the others were inspecting the condition of the train’s engine. Everything flashed by quickly in front of my sight until it landed on a pair of light chestnut orbs.

Amelia squinted her eyes at me in hate since she still hadn’t gotten over the fact that I slept with someone else before her.

She hated me because she was not my first which in turn was something I was proud of. I drifted my attention again, appearing more interested on a cargo full of coal in the distant.

I want to see Julian. I thought to myself.

I left a sad memory and a bitter farewell to him but I will take it all back. I will swallow the painful words I had said to him that day back to my throat if I have to and I will ask for his absolute forgiveness – even if he doesn’t want an apology – I will beg for it.

Then my mother called to me, informing me that the carriages were ready and all of us left soon after.

The ride was somehow testing my courage and patience because I was afraid of seeing how he was doing right now or more likely I was afraid of seeing how much damage I had done to him since the day I left him.

Please be okay, Julian, because I surely won’t be able to forgive myself if you are not.

I shared a carriage with my parents because I was not, in the least, willing to share one with my ex-fiancée especially when I bear no more intention of doing what she forced me to. If there was something I should take responsibility for then it would be my foolish mistake I made to him.

Although I just hope that he’ll give me a chance – one more chance to make it alright for us.

The same street and buildings came into my view through the glass window and I noticed that nothing change in the least. The town was still looking the same from the time I left it, as if nothing remembers that I once left.

The world continued to go on and it brought me a little hope.

Hope that my lover was doing fine, that he still remembers me and that he still loves me.

“By the way...” my mother decided to speak however my focus remained glued on the scenery outside. “There is a place I wish to visit so I hope none of you mind.” she mused before ordering the horseman for a short detour to a street I had never been to.

The carriage halted from one of the street shops I didn’t bother to look at. Helena stepped out of the stagecoach with my father following after her while I, on the other hand, stayed inside. It was not because I was not in the mood for anything but rather because I had too many things in my mind.

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