His Proposal

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Chapter 31: His Proposal

“Loving someone and having them love you back is the most precious thing in the world.”  Nicholas Sparks

Julian Hartwell

There’s a surprise waiting for you tonight, love. I can’t wait to see you.


I read the letter that I found beside me after I woke up, a smile curled on my lips and an earnest feeling welcomed my heart with open arms as I read the letter all over again. Excitement thrilled me deep down to my bones and I already couldn’t wait for the night to come.

“Leaving me a letter after making love to me, how sweet can you be, Lucas?” I chuckled.

I stood up from the bed while holding the blanket around my waist since I was still naked, before noticing some clean clothes for me folded on top of his cabinet. Laughter and music boomed from the dining hall below and up to here in his room.

I guess I’ll be busy first. I thought to myself as I marched to the bathroom. I took a good bath and left the room already dried in just a bathrobe soon after.

The robe fell down to my ankles as I proceeded to put on the clothes he prepared for me and that was when I discerned that I was actually wearing a really formal attire and a suit at that, but why would he prepare such a suit for me?

I simply dismissed it when my mind couldn’t come up with a possible reason.

I put the letter inside the trousers’ pocket and immediately headed towards the door since I knew that my adopted father needed someone to help him manage the tavern around this time of day.

Climbing down the stairs, the blaring sound of people celebrating roared inside my ears and I had to press my palm on each side of my head to not end up deaf. Then a hand patted on my shoulder and I spun around to see my old man grinning at me like he knew something I didn’t know.

“It’s nice to see you looking noble like a prince.” Sam ruffled my hair as he laughed.

I grunted, “Stop it, Sam, it’s embarrassing.”

I pedaled backwards to avoid being treated like a little boy in front of these many people. On the other hand, he stood there and crossed his arms in his chest while staring at me with the same grin earlier and so I stared back at him confused – it seemed strange for him to be this good in mood considering that the dining hall was full of men drinking and messing around in which he would usually punch someone for passing out and not paying their alcoholic drinks.

“Come on, your lunch is ready.” he gestured me and I followed after him.

He led me to an empty table in the corner where a couple of delicious food was arranged well like a buffet, and it reminded me of the time he prepared the same thing during Julius’ engagement to his wife before.

But why would he do this? I questioned myself, but yet again, nothing came up in my mind.

“Where is Lucas?” I inquired my adopted father however he eluded the question and simply left after telling me to enjoy my meal thoroughly.

Doubt clouded my intuition and I was already thinking that Lucas probably had something to do with my old man’s sudden change in behavior and I was starting to wonder if it was also about his secret surprise for me later on.

Hunger caused my stomach to grumble hence I surrendered my thoughts again before digging on my meal without further ado.

The food was, indeed, satiating but something inside me told me that there are a lot more of pleasant things waiting to render me speechless soon. I stood up from my seat the minute I was done after placing down the spoon and fork on top of the table but I was caught off guard when I came face to face with my old man again – likewise, with the same knowing grin on him.

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