His Bittersweet Wine

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Chapter 15: His Bittersweet Wine

“The greater the love, the greater the tragedy when it’s over.”  Nicholas Sparks

Dante Scarfone

My calm demeanor faltered on that one name he said to me along with his taunting smile which told me he was not lying in the least about it and it broke my heart for a reason still unknown to me.

“Julian bit me because I kissed him.” Lucas implied in a blunt that had me gone enraged.

Just the mere thought of another touching my lover and let alone kiss him in the lips surely made me go livid with anger and fury that I never once felt before. I gritted my teeth painfully since no words can soothe my foul mood.

My grip tensed on his collar even more to the point that it was already trembling much to my discomfort – it had the need to punch something to ease my agitation.

“He is mine.” I murmured in ire but instead of feeling intimidated, he looked at me annoyed.

“Yours? Don’t make me laugh. Sure he was your lover but since when did you actually treat him as one? If he was so important to you then you would have been there for him the other night and he won’t suffer again but no you did not because you are a coward.”

He retorted and I felt offended again that my body moved on its own and before I realize it, I punched him in the face.

He staggered on his feet after I released him from my grip but I doubt that this will silence him though and neither will it silence me too – I was already in the worst of my mood then he dared to prompt my anger.

“I’m not a coward and don’t you ever call me one when you don’t know how it feels to be in my place. I admit that I never once treat him nice and I regretted all of it. If you thought that he is the only one suffering here then you’re wrong!” I explained it to him loud and clear.

“This guilt is killing me inside and out. My conscience is tormenting me every hour, every minute and every second. I am just barely enduring them all.” I added with animosity in my cold tone.

Lucas regained his firm posture as he stood up again in front of me with a bleeding lip since my punch must have reopened his wound.

“And who is to blame for your guilt? If you hadn’t been a coward in the first place then none of this will happen and he wouldn’t be in such pain. Don’t act like you had no option because you had the choice to go to him that dinner night but no you chose to be a coward you are.” he retaliated.

However, hearing him repeated that coward word to me twice made me snap.

“I did it for the best of us! I did it to protect him from the humiliation he’ll face when our relationship comes out. I did it for him.” I replied in resentment as I pointed a finger at him.

He glared at me with chestnut eyes full of hatred. “I could care less on your meaningless reasons because in one way or another, it doesn’t change anything.” he snorted in disgust before wiping out the blood from his chin.

“I don’t care if you’re guilty. You deserved it and it is nothing compared to the pain you gave to him. If you think that you had suffered enough then that’s your absolute mistake because you do not know even half of his agony.” he added with his furious eyes not leaving mine.

“There is something more painful than guilt and it is what tortures him all this time.” he claimed.

“Why do you care? In fact none of this matters to you because you are nothing but a servant who keeps on putting his nose on other people’s business.” I asked exasperated since I always dislike how he meddles on my personal affairs like he had the right to.

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