His Serenity

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Chapter 28: His Serenity

“I wonder if I could take back every ‘I love you’ ever said to you, would I do it?”  Faraaz Kazi

Julian Hartwell

“I am here because I promised to be here. I promised you, Julian” he replied, smiling still.

Dante stood there drenched in his own clothes and his hair was a mess but his blue eyes stared at me so enrapturing that it punctured my heart with hurt, and it hurt more to know that he was here just like how he promised me.

He held onto his promise just like he said he would.

I stood stunned, not knowing what to say however I noticed his unsteady breathing and shaking legs that I reached up to touch his forehead.

Then it hit me, “Oh my god, Dante, you’re burning! What are you doing here outside!?” I realized in horror after feeling the awful temperature he had, his saturated body continued to tremble in front of me as he tried to stand upright on his feet.

“It’s nothing to worry about. I’m alright.” he smiled faintly.

“I came here to keep my promise so please don’t fret. I’ll leave if it’ll pleased you.” he turned on his heels and struggled to walk straight but only to fall on his knees a moment later.

And I panicked inside that I immediately came to his side to help him, “So fool of you to pretend like you’re alright.” I reprimanded, bothered also, as I undressed myself of my black jacket suit before draping it on his still shuddering body.

“Lucas, can we bring him back to our place please?” I pleaded to my lover.

He glanced to the man in my arms before looking back to me with a single nod, “Sure.”

“No need to.” the stubborn man tried to stand up again only to failed the second time and Lucas hauled him up before assisting him on his feet, letting the other’s arm hang on the back of his neck to support his body weight. I didn’t waste a second from searching for a horse carriage to take us back to the tavern and gladly I managed to find one.

I climbed in the quarters first before Dante so I could pulled the frail man into my arms in which I did without a second thought and my lover followed suit after us but with a firm expression on him that I can’t seem to describe, soon the carriage took off.

The rain had long died and only the cold humid remained.

I felt the body in my arms trembled and I couldn’t help but be upset for this man. Why did you come, Dante? Why are you doing this to yourself? I thought as I looked down on the handsome face laid on my lap, my hand brushing the damped hair gently away from his forehead.

Why are you making this harder for me, Dante?

I was distraught of course but I was more worried that it broke my heart to see him like this, to see him this so vulnerable. It broke me terribly to see him suffering so much just so he could prove himself to me – he was suffering because of me.

“I am so pathetic. I sacrificed my job opportunity to keep my promise only to end up outside and hopeless in the middle of the rain, so pathetic of me.” he mused as he buried his face on my thighs.

Two hours passed by and the carriage finally stopped in front of our tavern, Lucas retired first from the Coach before assisting Dante again on his feet.

“Take him into my room.” I asked him as soon as we headed towards the entrance after I paid the horseman.

Sam greeted us on the door and was about to congratulate me when he saw the ill man with us. “He’ll stay for the night so can you cook a soup for him?” I asked while removing my shoes.

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