His Denial

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"The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. "  – Oscar Wilde

3. His Denial (Dante)

"Kiss me," he demanded.

And I soon did. I closed the distance between our faces before capturing his lips in a passionate kiss, with the both of us finally yielding to our temptation.

His lips so sweet it was already indulging my mind. I could feel the last air escaping our lungs but I didn't stop kissing him and so was he. He held onto my neck and tangled his fingers on my soft hair, all so caressing me gently. The two of us parted each other's lips before staring at one another deep in the eyes. There were no appropriate words can be said to describe the moment, it was all new to us and I was unsure of what will happen if we continue further on.

Well, what on earth am I doing?

I felt the uneasiness mounting around the art room but soon it disappeared from my senses the moment Julian took my right hand in his, cuddling with it. I can feel the warmth of his cheek against my palm as he proceeded to caress it on his handsome face. He looked so beautiful with his eyelids close as he hummed against the softness of my palm.

Julian continued to cuddle with my hand until he looked straight at me with a sweet smile painting his lips. Likewise, I felt tempted again.

For some reason, I always find his lips so kissable and delicious. He decided to play with my fingers in his own delicate ones, intertwining them now and then. It was so sweet of him and it was enchanted me. He blinked his eyes at me when he brought his tongue on my pointing finger, licking my skin all so tenderly.

I shuddered at the foreign wet sensation.

He flirted my fingers with his tongue, circling it in between and sucking it whole right into his warm mouth, all the while not looking away from me. He was adding fuel to my burning lust. He stopped after my fingers were soon wet and put my hand on his bare chest, letting my wet fingers crawl on his sweating skin. I shuddered again as I heard him moan when I happened to brush his nipple.

"Touch me," he demanded again.

I didn't respond since I was still fighting with my body from betraying me and it took a lot of my will to not bring my mouth on his inviting nipples. Everything he was doing to me was pure torture and it was kind of unfair. And when he received only silence from me, he took the initiative to bring my hand much lower and I was began to shudder more.

"Feel me," he added.

I could something snapping from the back of my consciousness because before I knew it, I captured his lips again in a hungry kiss with my sinful hand going under his trousers. Pure and rich moans escaped his mouth, igniting my desire more than ever. I wanted more. He was like an addicting drug. All his taste brought me into an ecstasy and it was making me see the otherworldly stars.

I groaned, the couch was not spacious enough to satisfy my need so I abruptly stood up and he clung himself to me as I pulled him, his legs locking around my waist as I carried him into my bedroom. He gripped my the back of my hair and tilted my head in an angle to capture my lips in revenge but he lost since I was much more dominating than him.

My bedroom and art room were connected to a single door, and to think I'll find such built a huge fulfilling at a time like this, there was probably wrong with me. The passionate kiss went on as I motioned toward my large bed and every step I take closer to my bed turned us on more and more that I couldn't take it anymore. The burning feeling was so overwhelming. I placed Julian on the comfort of my bed and admired the scene under me. Just seeing him so tempting and defenseless on my bed was so arousing I couldn't contain my breath anymore and the crimson color of my bed sheets wasn't helping either.

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