His Lullaby

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Picture: Hugh Jackman as Samuel Gustav

Chapter 13: His Lullaby

“Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back.”  Plato

Dante Scarfone

I looked at the small paper in my hand to check if this was the place I was looking for and it proved right after I confirmed the same exact words in the paper. Such a nice name was what I thought to myself.

It had a two-stories built in it with walls painted in peach color although the shade was starting to fade itself and it was quite obvious that it was just a cheap paint. The wooden roof bore no holes but the age can be seen as clear as day.

The same applies to the doors and windows. It was just an ordinary tavern.

Indeed the place was that of a tavern but I never knew Julian lives in such a place. Well I thought his place would be in a rental inn or a small house somewhere in a poor street so I certainly didn’t expect to come in front of an establishment meant for travelers.

I shook my head to shoo away the thoughts and proceeded to enter the said place. The hall had a Dutch architecture design in the inside. Adult and young men drinking and laughing in high spirits were everywhere within my sight.

Lively was the perfect word to describe the atmosphere.

In the east corner was a group of musicians performing a loud and rowdy beat which made me wonder if I was living in the present era because the place seemed like a pirate’s chamber expect none of the guests wore a pirate hat.

I felt the door hit a bell and the chiming sound echoed across the dining hall thus gaining all the attention of the people inside.

I hid a grimace.

They all had a shock expression in them before they started murmuring to one another. Of course even a clueless child would be surprise to see a rich nobleman inside a place like this and dressed in an elegant suit that aristocrats wore when going to a first-class gentlemen’s pub.

I ignored their stares as I paced towards the bar counter in endeavor to talk with the owner or someone who might be acquainted to Julian.

“If you’re here to buy an imported drink, then you’re in a wrong bar, child.”

A man in his early forties said while smoking a tobacco. He was almost a pirate himself since he had a black eye patch in his right eye only with his clothes that of a western cowboy’s such as his brown hat that stood out the most. He had weird choice of clothing.

“I’m looking for Julian Hartwell.” I replied and he narrowed his hazel eyes at me.

“What do you need of my boy?” he inquired and I raised an eyebrow. Boy? Was this person perhaps his father?

“I’m his foster dad.” he immediately added like knew what I was thinking and there I remembered that Julian said he grew up in an orphanage. That made sense I guess. As I was about to introduce myself as a friend of his son, the man interrupted me.

“I know you, you’re his lover right?” he put off his tobacco in nearby ashtray with his bitter eyes not leaving mine. I held back a gulp.

Then again he gave me no room for argument or denial. “Julian told me and that boy is quite smitten to you. Not that I object however if you hurt him, I’ll kill you, child.” he explained with tone in deep octave.

“The name is Samuel Gustav. I’m a wild bear hunter and I know how to use a gun.” he offered his hand as he introduced himself with a hint of death threat under his friendly tone.

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