His Sweet Delicacy

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"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."– Robert Frost

4. His Sweet Delicacy (Dante)

I listened to the giggling and chattering noises around me as I waited in silent here on a dinner table. Several noble individuals, such as an Earl and a Fürst, were all over in this one restaurant built in our town.

There were brilliant giant chandeliers, paintings and delectable cuisines which undoubtedly made this place so prominent. I sat with patience in this table I reserved as I waited the arrival of my fiancée. It had been one of my normal routines to always bring her to dinner once a week as part of my courtship for her but I would be lying if I said it was my utmost interest.

I laid my back indolently on the chair while I crossed my legs decently in front. I leaned my elbow on the armrest as my chin rested on my knuckles, simply looking languid but I hid it under my decency. That was my best traits I had, I was excellent at pretending. My pocket watch on the palm of my hand was ticking as time passed by. It had been a couple of minutes since I started waiting here and I could already feel my perseverance leaving my body.

Sometimes it made me wonder why women tend to be late all the time.

I looked around for a distraction to keep my patience in check and I found my ocean blue eyes settled on the bouquet of flowers on top of the dinner table. It was a corsage of yellow and lavender roses which I brought with me as a present for Amelia. Though I decided not to give her, her cherished red roses in purpose because the alluring shade of red reminded me of the temptation I had gone through a couple of days ago.

That was right, it had been a past few days since that night with the gorgeous man however I couldn't forget the burning passion and it was incensing.

Every time I saw a red color, I could see his beautiful face and it was haunting me in my dreams. Everything about him plagued both my mind and my body endlessly and it was infuriating me. I sighed, dispirited, since I didn't plan to go back reminiscing about it especially when I was here meeting my fiancée. The goddess soon awarded my patience when Amelia came through the glass entrance door, dressed in her charming debutante gown, with a man in suit following behind her.

I caught a glimpse of the man's face and I shuddered upon seeing that it was the gorgeous man. Why is he here?

My fiancée, Amelia, made her way towards me with Julian still following behind her and I hid a grimace. "It's pleasant to see you again, Dante," she greeted me with a loving smile and I stood up to take her hand before kissing it in response.

"It is certainly pleasant and you look beautiful just like the roses I have for you, my Lady." I complimented her genuinely while handing the bouquet of roses I brought with me. Her face brightened at the sole mention of roses but it faded the moment she realized it was not red like the ones I always gave her but she chose not to say anything since it'll be disrespectful to my part.

"I'm surprise to see Mr. Hartwell here with you. Perchance, is there something of occasion?" I questioned, skeptical, as I shifted my attention to the gorgeous man. Though it seemed a naught compare to the distraught in his eyes.

Did I say something wrong? Then I figured that it was probably because I gave Amelia a bouquet of roses. But wasn't it such an issue because she was my fiancée so it was only normal and proper of me to give her something which was worthy for our engagement.

I love you.

Julian's confession came back dwelling in my mind and I could feel my conscience stabbing me behind ruthlessly. Of course, he would be hurt because he loved me but nonetheless we're not even lovers so he should know best not to expect the same affection from me. I don't love him the same way and will never be. However, why do I feel like taking him into my arms and tell him how sorry I was in order to comfort him. He was affecting me again and I didn't like it, not one bit.

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