Chapter 2

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|| Chapter Two ||

I rolled over on my bed an stared up at the ceiling before me.

Yawning, I climbed out of bed and felt somewhat dizzy but it soon subsided. I got ready for the day then, jogged my way downstairs practically bumping into Cooper.

"Cute." He comments with a small laugh pointing at my shirt.

"You can't sit with us" was in bold white letters on the front. I smiled to myself and started towards the kitchen.

"Are you ready?" Cooper asked as I walked to the fridge for a bottle water. "Yeah hold up." I said, grabbing what I needed to and waved goodbye to my parents.

"Alright, Let's go!" Cooper smiled as we headed towards the door. Soon we pulled off.

"What shall we listen to today lovely singer?"

"Ooh!" I gleam with excitement.

I flicked on the radio to scroll through the stations till finally it landed on a song that I knew.

I sung along to the lyrics while Cooper hit the steering wheel to keep the beat.

"I'm really gonna miss you when you leave, I hope you know that." He comments as we pull into the school parking lot.

"I know, I'll miss you too." I smile sadly thinking of how in a few more days, I'll be in Italy.

We climbed out of the car and parted our ways in the crowd. I stood on my tippy toes as I tried to find Kyle or Aubrey. I looked all over and couldn't seem to find them.

"Hey you need help?" I heard someone speak softy behind me.

I turned only to see those hazel eyes.

"Um yeah, I—I can't find my friends." I stuttered out, mentally cursing myself in the process.

He smiled a smile that could probably make me go week in the knees.

"Here..." He lifted me up onto his cold shoulders. Well that was a bold move.

"You didn't have to do this." I told him truthfully.

"Well yeah I know, but I wanted to." I could hear the happiness in his voice and that scared me a little.

I looked around for Kyle and Aubrey again and saw them both talking away, by the water fountain. "Found them!" I yelled loud enough so "new kid" could hear me.

He gently placed me back on the ground and I felt sad from the lack of touch.  But I smiled anyways.


"No problem, I didn't catch your name?" He smirked.

"Layla, you?" I asked in return. "Vincent." He told me. "Well Vincent, I'll see you around." I felt the blush form on my cheeks.

"Yeah." He chuckled and walked away. I started towards the water fountain.

"Hey girl, where were you?" Aubrey asked. "Trying to find you guys. Vincent helped me." I said nonchalant not really thinking of my words.

Who?" Kyle looked confused.

"Oh sorry! The new kid." I shook my head.

Him and Aubrey went wide eyed.

"Shut up! What happened?!" Aubrey yelled out in astonishment. I laughed pretty hard at her face. It was priceless.

We all began to walk to first period and I started to explain what had happened. When my explanation came to an end they were starring at me, smirking faces.

The badboy is a vampire?! (UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now