Chapter 11

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Layla POV-

Vincent slammed the car door close. "Someones pissed." I said looking out the window as He started the car up.

He didn't reply. "Vincent what's wrong?" I turned and looked at him.

Placing a hand on his arm.

"That guy was apart of the council." Vince finally spoke.

"Well what did he want?" I started to mess with Vincent's hair.

"My family, Me and my dad took care of it though." He turned following his parents car.

"Uh by take care of do you mean-?" I didn't really wanna end that sentence.

"No just knocked him out, he'll be up in a day or so." Vincent looked at me.

I smiled. And sighed with relief.

"Layla I have to tell you something..." Vincent gripped his hands on the steering wheel.

I gulped. "Y-y-yes?" I bit my lip.

"In order for us to be together. You have know everything about us vampires......and Well I have to change you." He looked over at me.

My mouth dropped open.


"You'll have to what?!" I screamed.

" it's For the laws." He spoke softly.

"if a Vampire was to be with a human....they must change them within a 2 week time period. And If not, the council will kill the human for knowing about our kind." He added after that.

I sat there speechless.

"Really it's rare for a vampire to fall for a human, that last time that happened was with my parents." Vincent starred straight ahead.

I was still silent. Trying to process this.

"Layla please speak." Vincent grabbed my hand.

Before I could register what I was saying the words flew out of my mouth.

"Tell me everything!" I yelled. Then I giggled.

Vincent chuckled and shook his head.

"What do you wanna know?" He smiled."

" do you actually become a vampire?"

"Well if your ancestors were born that way....then it's basically in blood and other get be turned a lot events take place."

"What events?"

"You see before your turned. You uh ok fuck it you have sex basically....then once you have been bit you black out.....hours pass you wake up. Vision is blurry but then it becomes perfect. Your hearing enhances, your movement is faster than ever....and strength is unimaginable.

He looked over at me. I nodded telling him to go on.

"Then that's when it kicks in....the thirst for blood, but I'll have to teach you have to hunt."

"What do you mean by hunt?"

"Hunt...we'll we go outside and run into the woods....and smell...once you have located....your source of blood you run....until it's is in sight...and you pounce...biting its neck."

"Wow, that's a lot." I sighed.

"Hey it's ok..." Vincent tightened the grip on my hand.

"Alright continue." I told him.

"Alright after your thirst fulfilled. You go to the council...they will make sure everything is in order, you do a pledge and your in." Vincent spoke all serious.

"Well why do they want your family?"

"My dad was to late...he changed my mom way out if the two week time she's hunter, an she never took the pledge so that's why."

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"All my life, I watched my friends grow up and die....And I thought to myself...why? Why me?? Why can't I be normal? Why can't I die?" Vincent let go of my hand and placed his on the steering wheel.

I started to think of Kyle and Aubrey.
All our fun times.

My parents and cooper.
All of our family moments

They will all die and I'll be alone. No family. No friends.

I felt my eyes watering. "Princess what's wrong? Vincent asked concern in his voice.

"I can't..I- my family my friends....I can't believe them behind...I can't let them die." I cried.

"You'll have to." Vincent spoke softly.

"I can't I love them to much to do that."
I sniffled.

Vince didn't speak.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Kyle's number.

After a few rings he picked up.

"AHHH!!!! MY BITCH!!!!! where have you been? Oh yeah!*laughs*"

"Hey Kyle!! I miss you so much!! How's everybody??"

"We chill! Um Aubrey wants to tell you something...."


"Hey!! Layla!!!"

"Hey Aubrey!!"

"Um I want to tell you something...."


"Please don't be mad....I'm dating your brother!!"

I froze.


"AHHHHHHHHH" I screamed.

Vincent slammed on the brakes.

"What the fuck?!" He screamed.

"Sorry." I smiled. He rolled his eyes and started driving again.



"Your happy?"

"Yes I am...we are legit sisters now!"

"*laughs* yep!! Can't wait to see you again."

My happiness came to an end.

"Yeah me too, i got to go,bye!"


I hung up.


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