Chapter 7

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|| Chapter Seven ||

I pulled away for a gasp of air. He leaned his forehead to mine and smirked. "You probably won't remember this when you wake up." I sighed as I grabbed his hand and began to drag him towards his house again. "I love Layla, I love this girl, she's my everything!" Vincent screamed out into the night. Not caring if anyone hears him shouting. I shushed him angrily, not wanting to draw attention to ourselves from the houses and buildings we passed. I finally made it to his house and tried pushing him towards the front door. I attempted to twist the door handle open and came to the realization it's locked. "Do you have any keys?" I turn to question him. "Nope." He said popping the p, and with the biggest shit eating grin on his face.

"Ugh!" I groaned, looking back at the door. "I can jump, it'll be easier." He said while nonchalantly while grabbing my hand. He led me to the back of his house. And pointed up towards the top floor. I noticed an opened window. "Wrap your arms around my neck." He calmly instructed me. I did as he said to do and to my surprise he jumped up towards the window and landed inside of his room.

I let go of him and walked over to his dresser, in order to get him his sleep attire."What are you doing?" He asked curiously. I turned to see him only now in his boxer briefs. I quickly look away, feeling my face heat up. I'm sure I looked like a tomato by now. "These are my pajamas." He informs me happily. I walked over to his bed and flipped the blankets back. "Lay down, please." I grabbed his arm and gently placed him into bed, pulling the covers overtop of him.

"So vampires sleep, huh?" I asked him with a small hint of humor in my voice. "Yeah we just don't sleep that long." He yawned, looking into my eyes. "Goodnight Vincent." I sighed as I began to walk towards his bedroom door to leave. I felt his hand gently grab my wrist. "Don't leave." He whispered softly. "I have to get home though..." I trail off getting lost within his hazel eyes. He moaned sadly and shoved his face into his pillow. "Goodnight Vincent.." I say once more as I quickly exit his room. I hurriedly leave his house and make my way back home. Let's just hope he forgets all about tonight, I didn't want to have a conversation about what had happened. I wanted him to think it was all a drunken dream. Once I finally entered my house, I looked upon the hallway clock. Four in the morning, it's a Tuesday. Great just great. Of course my ass has to get up in two hours for school. I groan silently and make my way towards my room. I threw myself down on my bed pulling the blankets over me all in one motion. My mind wandered off to the kiss I had just shared with Vincent. Did he mean any of what he said? Did he really wanna kiss me? Or was he just drunk and not thinking clearly? I didn't have the balls to tell him he stole my first kiss away. My lips touching his made me feel some type of way. Like it was only us in that one moment. I guess some people would say, 'It gave me butterflies!'...But, fuck butterflies, I had the whole damn barn. Slowly a migraine creeped its way to me, making my head pound at even thinking about it or anything. "Fuck my life." I say sadly as I shove my face into my pillow. I just silently laid there trying to go to sleep but epically failed. I pick up my phone glancing down at the time, four twenty one pm. I closed my eyes and once more tried to fall asleep.

"Do I have to go?"

"No Coop, stay home.."


"No! Go get ready!"

The muffled voices of my brother and father talking woke me out of sleep. I lifted my head and yawned. I sat myself upright and began to stretch. The events that unfolded this morning flooded back into my mind. I drag my hand down my face, doing my best to shrug it off. I get my belongings ready to take a shower. I let the warm water fall off my body and relax my muscles. Once I'm done, I change quickly and dry my hair as fast as I could. I threw my hair up into quite possibly the messiest bun but as long as I don't look like a crack head that's all I care about. I finish getting ready and grab my bag and jog downstairs. I saw my mother grabbing her coat from the closet. My father struggling to open his briefcase, and Cooper getting ready to leave. "You're driving me today." I inform him calmly. He turned around and looked at me, I knew he wanted to talk but I was in no mood. I push past him and he began following my way out the door and towards his jeep. The ride was filled with an awkward silence. Finally getting to school, I took no time and hurried out of his car, ignoring his calls for me to come back to so we could talk. I walked fast towards my locker, and noticed Kyle waiting for me.

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