Chapter 4

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|| Chapter Four ||

"Vincent, I like you a lot." I whispered to him as we sat on the ground looking up at the stars and enjoying the only sound of our breathing, and the crickets. I rolled to my side and smiled over at him. There was a long pause. "I like you a lot too Layla." He looking over at me. He started to lean in and his breath tickled my skin.

"Wait Layla." He backed up.

"What is it?" I asked him. "I need to tell you something." He spoke, unsure. "Well what?" I egged on, more curious and worried.

"Layla I'm a—"

"Layla!!!" Someone screamed into my ear. I jumped up and noticed myself sitting on my bed. Oh god, it was all just a dream. I looked over to my right, and there stood Kyle by my bedside smirking down at me.

"What?" I groaned. "Nothing." He chuckled to himself. I didn't feel like trying to see what was going on in his mind so I shoved a pillow over my face and flopped back down onto the bed.

"So how was the date?" He asked, as he took a seat on the edge of my bed. I removed the pillow an stared up at the ceiling. "It was great actually, I had a nice time." I yawned.

"Isn't today Friday? What time is it??" I asked dumbfounded, as I sat back up again.

"Honey, school is already out, you missed it by over sleeping." Kyle laughed.

"Oh my god, what?!" I nearly jumped to my feet and ran to look out my window.

What in the actual hell?

"Yeah, Aubrey and I figured you just over slept and your parents didn't wake you, so we went on with our day but you know what's funny?" He said grabbing my attention I looked back at him.

"What?" I tilt my head to the side as if I was a dog.

"Vincent was at school today but he seemed mad." Kyle tells me eagerly.

"Why would he be mad? Did something happen at school?" I asked while walking over to my closet for clothes.

"I don't know why he was mad, he just showed up acting that way, that's why I came over to ask and see you." Kyle started to play with the string on my blanket.

"Well the date was perfect, it was a dream date you know the one—the one, um—Maddie had...." I trailed off.

Bringing up my sister, just makes me so upset. It's a touchy subject that I know is my fault. Even though I've been told it's not, I still don't believe them. Kyle gave me a sad yet understanding smile and told me to proceed.

"There was laughs, and tickles and words said, I don't know, It was amazing ." I sighed at the memories.

Kyle squealed. I laughed at him while walking into the bathroom and placing my clothes onto the bathroom sink counter.

"Hey I'm gonna go get some food downstairs!" Kyle yelled. "Okie dokie!" I yelled in response. I heard my bedroom door open and close. I turned on the shower knob and waited for it to heat up. I'm sure I took a long shower, I couldn't stop thinking about Vincent. I wondered why he would be mad.

After I felt fresh and cleaned, I stopped the water and reached for my towel. Stepping out of the shower, I dried off. I slipped on my undergarments and then my clothes.

I blow dried my hair and brushed it. The curls soon came back to form. I grabbed my dirty clothes and towel and chunked them into my clothes hamper.

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