Chapter 13

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Layla POV-

"Vincent get over it." I sighed. He glared at me.

You see I slapped him, earlier for trying to well ya know in the closet.

Currently me and him decided we should go on a walk, before we leave.

"Hey um Layla?" Vincent stopped me.

"Yeah?" I smiled.

"Can I turn you now..." He bit his lip.

My eyes widened. "Why now?" I asked.

"Because now that I know Antonio has a thing for you I wanna make you mine so he gets the idea." Vincent grabbed my hands.

"But we haven't...." I trailed off.

"Tonight." He smiled. I blushed.

"Tonight." I repeated after him.

---later that afternoon---

We had stopped at a hotel and unpack are stuff after getting our room.

Vincent Came up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I turned and smiled. "Ready?" He asked.

"Ready." I smiled. Pulling him into kiss.

His tongue roamed my mouth.

And I moaned in pleasure. Are hands roamed each other's bodies.

Till finally he set me on the bed.


"Ok I'm going to bite your neck now." Vincent whispered as he hovered over me.

I bit my lip and nodded my head.

His mouth made its way to the base of my neck.

I felt his fangs pierce my skin.

I screamed. And soon felt darkness consume me.

Vincent POV-

She screamed. Then blacked out. I quickly got up and changed. Changing her as well.

I only have 3 hours till she wakes up.

I pick up her limp body and run to my parents room.

*knock *knock

I heard shuffling around then the door opened.

My dad followed his gaze from my eyes to Layla.

His eyes widened. "Go!" He ordered.

I started to run. Fuck the elevator. I ran down the stairs at inhuman speed.

If your wondering why I'm hurrying well it's because since we are in the middle of a city...and there are no woods or trees for that matter in sight...I need to get there as soon as possible.

I ran out the exit and looked around.

Everyone was having there normal daily lives.

I started to walk fast. Finally I started to run when no one was looking.

When I finally stopped I saw I was In the middle of the woods.

I set My Layla down gently.

I walked over to the tree stump and sat down waiting for her to wake up.

Layla POV-

My whole body burns. It feels as if I'm not alive yet I am.

I can't see at all. I feel the blood in body freeze over.

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