Chapter 20.

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Layla POV-

"This dress isn't right!!" Kyle screamed as he stormed out of the dressing room.

I sighed heavily. We have been here for about 2 hours. And every dress I try on, no one even likes.

Finally Kyle demanded to be in the dressing room to help me.

Not that I minded, it's good to have a gay guys advice and opinion.

Kyle America back into the dressing room. His eyes were bright. He had a dress in his hands.

Everyone helped into the dress.
Finally Kyle Buttoned the back.

I turned an looked into the mirror.

I gasped at my appearance.

The dress was perfect. It was jut like Cinderella's wedding dress.

Only difference it was a strapless. With a sweetheart neckline.

Kyle smiled proudly. He placed a Vail in my hair.

"Perfect." He smirked. I laughed. He led me out to where everyone was waiting and sitting.

As soon as I walked out everyone's mouth dropped open.

"Layla." Aubrey smiled.
"You." Rosie followed.
"Look." Mom sighed.
"Beautiful." Kyle finished.

I giggled. "We found a dress!" Kyle yelled.

I laughed as he ran around like a chicken with his head cut.


We dropped off Aubrey, Kyle, and mom.

After a fifteen minute talk we agreed to meet up with soon.

Rosie an me drove back to the house.

We let Kyle hold onto the dress for the time being. We tried to argue but he puts up a good fight.

---->>>Skip road trip back<<<----

We pulled into the car driveway. I jumped out of the car.

Running inside. I saw Vincent sitting on the couch. I ran over and jumped On him.

I started to kiss all over his face. He chuckled. "Hello my love." He kissed me back.

"Hiya." I smiled. After a long and tiring day me and Vincent ran upstairs and layed down.

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