Chapter 10

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"Vincent, um oh yeah Layla wake up." Someone mumbled.

I opened my eyes to see Rosie, smiling down at us.

I guess me and Vincent had fallen asleep.

"Hey." I yawned. I turned around and saw Vincent still asleep.

"Babe wake up." I whispered. His eyes fluttered open.

"Hey beautiful." He whispered back as he kisses my cheek.

I totally forgot Rosie was standing there.

"Well, since you all have been asleep since yesterday after dinner, me an Josh wanted to tell you that we will be leaving today so get packed." She smiled walking out.

I looked back at Vincent. "Get up." I laughed.

"I don't know...i like snuggling in bed with you." He said as he pulled me closer to him.

"Vincent, come on get up." I laughed again.

"Nah, I'm good." He smirked as he closed his eyes.

I layed there for a moment and thought of ways to get him up, finally one idea popped into my mind.

"Vincent, if you don't get up now I'll break up with you." I held back a giggle.

As if it was light speed, Vincent was on his feet. Pure shock on his face.

"I'm up." He smiled. I started to laugh.

God I haven't laughed this much, well since Maddie was alive.

"Ha-ha very funny." Vincent rolled his eyes.

"Oh Vince, you know it was funny." I laughed.

"Vince?" He asked. "Yeah that's your new nickname." I smiled.

"Love it, but c'mon get up." He smiled as he walked away.

I got out of bed and began to get ready.

After everyone was done with there showers and were dressed we all walked down the hall to the elevator.

Me and Rosie were making small talk.

Halfway to the elevator, it opened and 2 hot guys walked out.

I starred and thy smirked, they started my way.

Vince was then in front of me in a flash.

"Get away from my girl." He spat.

Both of two boys looked at me.

"Bye cutie." The black haired one said as they started to walk away.

I grabbed ahold of Vincent, "it's not worth it." I told him.

We all got into the elevator and pressed the button.

As we stood at the reception desk. I got annoyed by Blondie starring at Vincent so I looked away.

And when I did I saw a girl about 14 or 15 being surrounded by these 18 year olds.

"Hey get away from her!" I yelled running over to the them.

Her face went from Fear to relief.

The boys turned around.

"Hello." One smiled. He sent me a bad vibe.

"Go." I mouthed to the girl. She nodded her head and ran away. Along with all the other boys.

Except for that one who said "hello."

"Hi." I faked a smile. I turned and saw Vincent in a deep conversation with his mom as his dad was arguing with Blondie and I'm guessing a manager.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing alone in such a fine place?" He turned me back around.

"I'm with my boyfriends family." I told him.

He didn't say anything he just starred at me.

"Layla lets go." Vincent was at my side starring down at me intently.

"Okay." I smiled kissing him on the cheek and followed his mom.

As he stayed behind.

Mmm? I wonder why?


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