Chapter 5

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|| Chapter Five ||

My eyes shot open and I sat up frantically in a panic, gasping for air. It was cold, and dark. I noticed I was still in the park, where I was suppose to meet Vincent. Vincent, oh god Vincent.

I scrambled to my feet and looked around fast, tears were brimming my eyes. Where is he? I'm not safe out here. This is how it's gonna end? The thoughts consumed my mind one by one. My heart was beating fast. I didn't know what he was capable of, and that one thought alone scared me shitless.

I turned around  and around looking, my feet seemed glued to the ground. I was scared to move. I hear the distinct sound of crunching leaves underneath ones feet. Startled, I then move quickly on my feet, in the direction of my house.

I turned so fast that I bumped into someone's chest an fell right back. I screamed as the person grabbed me, an they quickly clamped their hand over my mouth.

"Layla, when I remove my hand, I don't want you to scream, are we clear?" He bore his eyes into me. I stared at him, my body was fiercely shaking. My eyes were as wide as saucers. I didn't give a response.

He slowly removed his hand from my mouth. "Shhhh, it's okay." He reassures me as I was hyperventilating. He cautiously leans me down to sit on the pavement of the sidewalk. He sits down next too, staring at me intently.

There was a brief few moments of silence, but once I finally regained my breath back, I turned and looked over him with scared eyes. I was so honestly afraid and didn't quite know why I was still sitting there.

"You're a, a—uh—." I pause, not really wanting the sentence to leave my mouth. I was trying to process this weird, unrealistic, strange news once more. "Yes, I am a vampire." He responds, so that way I didn't have to ask. I'm sure he noticed my uncomfortableness.

"How could this ever happen? Vampires don't exist, that shit only happens in movies. I don't understand." I ramble on looking back and forth between my feet. "I can't really tell you anymore but I trust you won't breathe a word of this to anyone?" He states firmly, but it's more of a question than anything.

How could I tell anyone? They would think I'm crazy. They'd have every right to think that to, because even right now I feel like I'm going insane.

"I have to go Vincent." I struggle to stand myself up, but I managed. I sniffled, and dusted myself off. Pivoting on my feet, I start my walk back towards my house.

"Layla." Vincent spoke. I stopped in my tracks but didn't turn around. When he noticed that I wouldn't, he continued to speak.

"Before you go, can you promise me something?" He says softly. I look briefly over my shoulder at him. "What?" I whispered, I felt as if I was losing my voice. "Promise me that you won't avoid me?" His eyes begged. I licked my lips as the cold air had made them chap.   "I'm sorry, I can't promise that right now". I watched as the sadness on his face heightened.
He sighed heavily while running his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry." He mumbles.

I took a deep shaky breath and turned and officially started to walk back home, this time he didn't stop me. I was tearing up on my way back, and I wiped the stray tears away.

I could avoid him, but it would be torture to me. I literally just met the kid and he consumes my thoughts more than anything. Now that I know his secret, trying to forget him would be harder than ever.

All I could think of was his smile, his laugh, his eyes, his touch. It was like a wave of nausea had hit me all at once. My house came into view and I swear it had never looked so good. I bolted to the front door an opened it quietly, but abruptly all in one motion. I quickly jogged my way upstairs and into my bedroom. I slipped my shoes off and placed my jacket on the chair. I sat down on the edge of my bed with my hands on knees.

The badboy is a vampire?! (UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now