Chapter 14

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Layla POV-

I fluttered my eyes open. I looked around wondering if what I had experienced yesterday was just a dream.


I sat up and saw Vincent still sleeping.

Ugh I'm thirsty. I whined in my mind. (A/n-that rhymed (: )

I got out of bed and walked over to my suitcase.

I grabbed my clothes and went to take a quick shower.

I should really call Kyle and Aubrey. I miss them so much. Just the thought of never seeing them again makes me wanna cry.

After my shower. I changed into skinny jeans, red v-neck that hugged my body, I slipped on some red and black high top Adidas.

I started to brush my hair. When I looked in the mirror ...I screamed.

The rumors that a vampire can't see there reflection isn't true.

I looked at myself again. My light brown and blonde hair is now a just dark brown. My skin is pale. My blue eyes are shifting back and forth between blue and Red.

The bathroom door flew open. "What's wrong?!" Vincent looked around frantically.

"Nothing I ..just look totally different."
I smiled and looked away.

"Yeah you get use to that." Vincent rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm thirsty!" I whined. "Ok ok, hurry up and I'll get you a blood bag from my dad." Vincent said walking away.

I used my vampire speed and was done with my hair in no time.

I rushed out of the bathroom and over to Josh and Rosie's room.


The door opened and someone pulled me in.

I fell flat on my face. "That hurt." I mumbled.

"Sorry Babe." Vince helped me up.

"Sure you are." I smiled at him.

He glared at me. "Here you go." Rosie handed me a blood bag.

"Um..." I trailed off as I looked at the bag wondering how in the fuck do I drink this.

"Your hopeless babe." Vince grabbed the bag and twisted off the cap.

"I might have some blonde moments now and then." I argued.

"Yeah ok." He chuckled.

I took the bags from his hand and started to drink.

Done in no time Rosie grabbed the empty bag from me and walked away.

"Well what are we doing today?" I Asked.

"Going to are new house and Finding out what your power is." Vince came up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm gonna call Aubrey." I pulled away and walked over to our room.

I grabbed my phone and dialed her number.
Just doing A-Aubrey L-Layla K-Kyle C-

A- Hello?
L-hey A.
A- hey Layla-No, you shut up!!
L- what's going on now *laughs*
A- Kyle and cooper playing hiding go seek I'm trying to find them, but Kyle just keeps on talking.
L- seems accurate
A- when you coming home?I miss you!
L- I miss you to! Um soon I hope
K- hiya!!
L-hey Kyle!!
A- give me the phone back!!
L- miss ya love ya so does cooper bye
A-sorry about that.
L- it's ok...well I gtg I'll call you later bye!!
A- bye!

I hung up and just flopped down onto the bed

I let out a long an heavy and may I say Overrated sigh.

Is it just me or well since last night I've been acting different.

I dunno. The door opened up and Vincent walked in.

"You ok?" He asked with concern as he walked over to me.

"I don't even know. But ever since last night I've been acting different." I shrugged my shoulders as I sat up.

"Trust me it's ok, it's only because your transformation, and um well I wanted to uh tell you something." Vincent looked as if he done something guilty.

"What?" I stood up. "Well Um ya see when I said to become a vampire you had to have sex?" He looked down apparently his hands were more interesting.

"Yes?" I answered him. I crossed my arms.

"That wasn't exactly true." He finally looked up at me.

"You took advantage of my innocence!" I screamed.

"No never! There's more, having sex before your bitten only makes you a mated vampire....your my mate." He bit his lip waiting for my reaction.

Sorry it's a short chapter! My father is doing better thankfully!!

I've been so busy this week with homework, my dad, It's been hectic.

Sorry I didn't update when I promised!!! I fell asleep. 😕 sorry.

But here you go!!

Sorry for any mistakes!!

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