Chapter 23~ Time to end this

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~Layla Preston~

"Logan, you're gonna hurt yourself.." I roll my eyes as I watch the poor boy I just met try to open up the locked door. "They found me searching for someone on their land and I'm sure she's here!" He growls kicking the door. "Wait did you just growl?" I ask. "Yeah..?" He states but it comes out more like a question. "We're not getting out of here, we have to go further up." I point to the ceiling. "Oh aren't you smart." He snaps. "Hey! Don't get snappy with me!" I bear my fangs. "Are you always this feisty?" He asks as he's still trying to pick the lock again.

"Are you always a dick?" I smile sweetly as he looks back at me.

"Well this "dick" just got the door open". He scoffs as he creaks the door ajar.

"You're on your own Layla." He smirks as he runs out. Next thing I know i hear howling outside. "Jerk." I roll my eyes.
I quietly make my way up stairs quickly as no one sees or hears me. I hear sobbing coming from the door that awaited me. I open it to see a girl about Antonio's age. She had raven black hair and porcelain fair skin.

"Who are you?" She looked up shocked.
"I'm Layla, I need you're help." I state.
She stands up and wipes her tears.

"Do tell." She's content on listening. I tell her everything.

•Vincent Stone•

"No." "No." "Hell to the motherfuckin no." Kyle is ranting as he keeps pacing back and forth. "She'll be broken, you can't do this to her you dingus." He snaps. I'm taken back by this.

"Kyle calm down." Maddie assures him.
"I will not let Vincent break the bond, Layla will be destroyed and weak if he does this!" He exclaims. "It's the only way." Alyssa bops in.

"No, there's gotta be another way." Kyle huffs out in annoyance. "Well...there is one way." Maddie mumbles. My head snaps in her direction. "Don't." I tell her.

"No not don't. Fuckin tell me." Kyle retorts. Maddie sighs. "Layla and I have a bond, if she figures out I'm alive it'll be strong enough for her to fight her way out and we can all attack Antonio together." Maddie tells him quietly.

"Then that's what we are doing." Kyle announces. "My bond is turned off from her, and the only way to turn it on
is if she sings the song." Maddie tells him.

The song? What song?

"I can't turn it on unless we are both singing it." Maddie shakes her head at the thought of it working.

"Start singing it maybe, she'll start too." Alyssa says.

So she begins to sing.

~Layla Preston~

"That's quite a predicament you're in." Antonio's mate mumbles.

"May I ask my dear, what's your gift? that could be a major key into helping you get out of here." She asks. "I'm a melody." I tell her. She gasps, shocked at what I am.

There's a buzzing sound in my head. I shake my head to make it go away.

"Please sing for me!" She exclaims happily. "I haven't heard music in decades." She smiles. "But you'll be put into a trance." I tell her.

"No no darling. You see my gift is the ability to block things out. I can make me people deaf. Melodies music does not affect me." She says.

"Oh okay." I smile. "What would you like to hear?" I ask. "Whatever you'd like." She smiles again.

So I start with the one song that I haven't sang since Maddie passed.

""You got it, you got it, some kind of magic. Hypnotic, hypnotic, you're leaving me breathless." I give her that and she starts clapping.

All of sudden a bond is formed and I feel stronger. Then someone's mind linking me. "Layla?"

"Maddie?" I say back. "You're alive?"

"Yes Layla. Hurry up and get out of there." That was all I needed to hear before I grabbed Antonio's mate by the hand and start running.

Sorry it's short. Or if there's any mistakes. I started to write again but I cannot promise any fast updates.

also I've recently discovered that some of you are offended by the character Kyle and how he's gay.

Upon those regards i am to tell you that simply when I created the story I never meant to offend anyone. My brother is gay himself. My best friend is Bi-Sexual. And if you don't like that then don't read this book.

If you are Christian and you are offended by the gay character than I'm sorry as well. I'm a Christian yes, but by no means am I trying to start conflict over something this stupid.

"homosexuality is mentioned seven times in the bible but not once by Jesus himself. The bible states to love thy neighbor. That's it. There are no other rules or restrictions to that passage. We should support equality with a smile."

Thank you, & happy reading.


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