Chapter 6

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|| Chapter Six ||

There they stood, like two measly deers caught in the headlights of a car. My brother and best friend, who have just been caught making out.

"Layla, I can explain!" Aubrey presses frantically. I stood there frozen, not sure what to really feel in the moment.

"After what happened to Kyle and I, I thought you would have the same opinion about cheaters as we did." I said flabbergasted.

"No Layla, she was just—"

Cooper tried to cut in but I shot him an evil glare and he instantly shut his mouth.

"You cheated on Max! How could you!?"

"I didn't mean for it to happen, Layla I swear! I needed someone to talk to, and when I called your house, Cooper answered. He offered to come over an one thing lead to another and I swear it wasn't ever my intentions..."

She starts to trail off at the end of her spiel.

"Just save it. I'm out of here." I turn around an run out of the house ignoring their calls for me to stop.  As soon as I'm finally sitting in my car. I quickly search for my phone.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of you calling me?" Kyle answers in his sassy, happy, go-lucky voice.

"To say I'm pissed is an understatement." I grit through my teeth.

"What happened?" He turns serious.

"Just please meet me at the McDonald's on twenty fourth street." I sigh deeply.

"Yeah, see you soon."

I end the call and start my car as I take one last look at Aubrey's house. My mind was filled with so much anger and confusion, it wasn't even funny. I turn the radio on, and began to sing, in hopes it would calm my nerves.

Soon enough, Mickey D's came into view. I pulled into the parking lot and swiftly claimed my parking space. I climbed out and saw Kyle's car was already parked. I make my way inside an turn my head to the right. There Kyle was, sitting in a booth, drinking what appeared to be a small frosted coffee.

"So tell me, what's got you so angry?" He questions taking another sip from his drink as I sit down.

"I caught Cooper and Aubrey making out." I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"Woah, what?!" He practically screamed, causing the attention of other customers.

"Shhh, keep it down!" I swat my hand at him.

"How could she do that to Max?" Kyle asked.

"I don't even know, but it's so fucked up." I mumble. "She knows, about what we went through being cheated on, and she was there so I don't even understand." I tell him.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." He smiled and reached for my hand. "You're right, but I just don't know what to think anymore." I bite my lip, as I start to be lost in thought.

Most of that comment was directed towards Vincent. He occupied my mind to be quite honest, but Kyle didn't need to know that.

"Well you have me, always." He reassures my troubled thoughts. For the rest of the day Kyle and I, spent time with each other. He insisted that I needed company to help get my mind off things.  We went everywhere and did almost everything there was to do in our small town. Him and I returned to my house and I was relieved when I saw Cooper wasn't home at all. I asked my parents if Kyle could stay the night and they agreed to it. Kyle left to go pick up clothes of his own and I spent the rest of the night locked up in my room, laughing and watching movies with him.

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