Chapter 1

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Let me just say it’s defiantly been a roller costar with the boys. I can’t believe how much my life has changed since then. I don’t regret it at all, but it can be overwhelming.  The last time I was the boys was when Niall was hit by a cab, Sarah found Zayn making out with Karoline and I found Harry and his ex-girlfriend together. I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed time away from them well at least Harry and Niall. But it’s hard when their biggest boy band right now and I basically see them everywhere I go.

                I’ve been proud of my boys, but it’s hard to see them knowing I can’t be there with them. I honestly miss Harry, but I’m not sure if I’m ready to see him. I’m going to New York with Sarah to see them on Good Morning America and on Saturday Night Live, hopefully we can patch everything up.

                The morning of mine and Sarah’s flight was nerve racking. I was so nervous to see Harry after a month of not talking. Well at least I didn’t talk, he texted me every day a good morning and goodnight for the past month. When I would talk to Louis he said Harry wouldn’t go out with them and if he did he wouldn’t even look into another girl eyes. He still believes I will come back to him and doesn’t want to mess that up.

                “Drea, Maya you ready to go?” My Dad called out from the bottom of the stairs.

                “Are you sure you want to do this?” Sarah asked.

                “I’m sure. I miss the boys and I need to talk to Harry.”

                We both walked down the stairs and my Dad put our stuff in the car. While we were on the plane I was thinking about Harry and what will happen when I see him. Louis picked up from the airport and it felt so good to see him again.

                “I missed you Boo Bear!” I said giving him a tight hug.

                “I missed you too! Come on now loves the boys are dying to see you.” He dragged Sarah and I out and we were off to the hotel.

                Once we were at the hotel Sarah and I checked in and dropped off our bags in the room.

                “Here these are our rooms. Just come up to Liam’s when you’re ready.” Louis said to leave us to freshen up.

                While I was fixing my makeup I was getting nervous.

                “Oh my God I can’t breathe. I can’t do this.” I said crashing on the floor. “I can’t do this.”

                “Yes, you can. You flew out here to see him. He hasn’t been caught with another girl and you haven’t taken off that ring he gave you. All you need to do is breath.” Sarah said calming me down.

                After a few moments I started to calm down. “Are you ready?” She asked.

                I looked at the mirror one last time and said “You can do this. To infinitely and beyond, forever.” I said to myself. “Yeah I’m ready.”

                As we were in the elevator going up to Liam’s room I can feel the butterflies I had when I first met him. I can hear all of them from the hallway and we just laughed. It seems like the boys haven’t changed a bit since we last saw them. I knocked on the door and missed the life I used to have with them.

                “DREA! We missed you babe!” Liam said giving me a huge hug.

                I gave all the boys hugs and a kiss in the cheek.

                “It seems like you were never hit by a cab.” I said giving Niall a hug.

                “It was nothing it happens every day.” He laughed.

                “God I hope not.” I chuckled.

                I walked up to Harry and I felt like I was first meeting him again. I gave him a hug and I didn’t want to let go and neither did he.

                “I missed you Andrea.” He whispered in my hair.

                I tightened my grip on his shirt. “Oh god how I missed his voice and touch.” I thought. I looked at his bright green eyes that I missed. “I missed you too Harry.” I smiled.

                He just looks at me with a huge smile on his face and saw I was still wearing his presents he got me on my birthday. “You still wear these?” He asked.

                “I never take them off.”

                “Even when we weren’t together?” He said quietly.

                “Yeah. It reminded me that I love you and that you were still with me even if you weren’t.”

                I saw his smile get even bigger. “Can we talk?” He asked grabbing my hand. I nodded and we walked out the room leading me to the fire escape so we could be alone. “Why didn’t you reply to my messages? I texted you every day for a whole month. I told you I loved you every day and didn’t get anything back.” He said calmly.

                “Harry I just needed time to think. But it felt nice to know that you still cared that you still fought to get me back.” I walked closer to him.

                He was sitting on the stairs with his head in his hands. “I was depressed for a month. I thought I lost the greatest thing in my life. The music didn’t matter to me when you left. I just wanted you back in my life. I didn’t go out and if I did it was because Louis dragged me out. But when I was out all I thought about was you. About what were you doing, who were you with, if you were happier without me. I never looked at a girl the same way I look at you.”

                I sat next to him and I held his hand. “Harry look at me.” I said cupping his face in my hands. “When I left you at the hospital when Niall was released it was so hard to leave you. I was depressed and it didn’t help that I saw you guys everywhere I went and everybody talking about you. Every day when you texted me it would always bring a smile on my face. I never went out I just stayed in my room all day and never came out unless I was hungry. When Louis told me you never even looked at a girl when you go out made me think you still cared.”

                “Andrea I always cared.” He interrupted me.

                “I know you do. And that’s why I came here to support you and hopefully find a way to patch up our relationship on the way.” I said giving him a smile.

                “I hope we do too.” He said giving me a kiss.

                “Remember you said one day we’ll get married?” I asked.

                “Yeah, why?”

                “I’m still counting on that.”

                “Really? After all that you still want to marry me?”

                “Yup, fighting only makes couples stronger when they make up. And plus I can’t see myself with anyone else, but you.”

                “Well in that case it’s my job to fulfill your wishes, my princess.”

                “I’m still your princess?”

                “You’ve always been my princess, since the day I saw you.”

                All I could do is smile. I finally fixed things with Harry and everything is starting to fall back in to place. Before we walked into Liam’s room Harry turned me to face him.

                “I love you Andrea.” He said giving me a kiss.

                “I love you too Haz. You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to tell me that in person.” He laughed and we walked into the room. 

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