Chapter 19

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The past few days have been the best days of my life. We went sightseeing, shopping, went to the beach and just spending a lot of time together. We rented a boat for a day and just be by the water and away from the city. Today is our last night here and we’re leaving tomorrow night. Harry had a surprise for our last night here and I was seriously so scared for what was going on. I was wearing a tan strapless high low dress, tan Christian Louboutin and some jewelry I bought here. Earlier today I went to get my hair re-dyed and I got them to waterfall my hair.

                Harry had to leave before me because he had a meeting with management in the city so the car picked me up. The driver opened the door for me to get out and I saw Harry under the Effie tower. He stood there in his grey blazer, white button up shirt and bowtie.

                “You look absolutely stunning tonight love.” He said as he kissed me.

                “Harry what are we doing here?” I asked.

                “You’ll see, but first you need this.” He pulled out a blindfold.

                “Harry last time I was blind folded you were my surprised. What is this about?”

                “Just trust me.” I nodded and he put the blindfold on. “Can you see anything?” He asked.


                “How many fingers am I holding up?” He asked.

                “I don’t I’m blindfolded!” I laughed.

                “Perfect!” He slowly guided me to where every this surprise was.

                All I could sense was we were in an elevator and once we stopped Harry lead me out. He placed my hands on a railing.

                “Are you ready?” He whispered. I nodded my head. When I opened my eyes, I saw the greatest view of my life.

                Harry’s POV

                “Harry this is absolutely amazing.” Andrea said looking at Paris at the top of the Effie tower.

                It was 7 and I made sure we were the only two here. I wanted this private and romantic. As she looked at the view I was basically shitting myself, I was so nervous. I wanted everything to be perfect. We stood there for a while admiring the view until we went to dinner. We had dinner at the Effie Tower and let me just say she literally looked stunning tonight.

                The way her hair fell perfectly in place, the way the dress laid on her and brought out every curve she had, and the way she smiled and looked at me. She was perfect in every way. Dinner was amazing. We talked about our time here and when I was flying back out. After dinner we went back to the top and just stared at the view.

                 “Harry what’s that?” She asked. I was telling her the different building that we could see. She loved it when I spoke French. “What’s that noise?”

                She looked at me confused. No one knew we were here tonight, but there were hundreds of girls screaming. “I’m not done with the surprises.” I said I pulled her to the middle and put her hands on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around her waist. The music started right on time. All you heard were screams and then his voice.

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