Chapter 42

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                *Three weeks later*

            It’s mid- January and Andrea and I got back from the states a few days ago. We spend a few days with Teddy in the new house and she was in complete shock how nice the house came out. The moment we came home she dropped her stuff at the door and ran to the garage to see her new car. We had a few days to ourselves in the new house and then in a few days we were going to Holmes chapel to house sit for my parents.

                We decided to drive Drea’s car so it would be less obvious that I was in Holmes Chapel because no one has seen it before. When we got there no one was standing outside the house and it felt so refreshing.

                “Hello??” I said opening the door

                “Hello sweetie!” My mum said coming out of the kitchen. She gave me a huge hug and walked over to Andrea.

                “Hi Anne.”

                “Hello love. How are you?”

                “I’m good thanks. It smells amazing in here.”

                “Fantastic. I hope you’re hungry because dinner is almost done.”

                “I’m starving.” I said rubbing my tummy.

                “Well why don’t you put your stuff upstairs and get ready for dinner then.” Drea and I went into my room and plopped down.

                “I’m hungry and I’m tirrrreddddd!” She sang.

                “Wow aren’t you the cutest thing.” I said hovering over her, placing small kisses.

                “OH MY GOD MY EYES!” Gem yelled out.

                “Jesus Gem! Knock much!?”

                “Well I didn’t know you and Andrea were about to go at it.” She laughed.

                “We were not! But this is so embarrassing.” Andrea said covering her face.

                “What are you doing?” I asked Gem.

                “I heard singing and I can only assume it was Andrea’s beautiful voice.” She laughed.

                “Jezz thanks Gem.” Andrea said rolling her eyes, throwing a pillow at her.

                “KIDS DINNERS READY!” Anne yelled from the bottom of the staircase.

                During dinner it was just to have a nice a home-cooked meal for a first time in a while. We talked about the rest of the time in the states and we laughed about the fight between Renee and Taylor swift. We also talked about our new house and out new “baby boy”.

                “So when can we see your new house?” Gem asked.

                “Whenever you want!” Drea smiled.

                “Do you cook?” My mom asked Andrea.

                “I can cook a little I guess. I mean my mom taught me some Filipino dishes, but Harry hasn’t had any.”

                “Which I’m quite upset about because your cousins were raving about her cooking while we were there.”

                “Oh calm down you have a lot of time to try my mom’s cooking. Anne what time are you leaving tomorrow?”

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