Chapter 37

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 Zayn’s POV

                When I was walking to my room I heard a lot of noises coming down the hall. I followed the sound and I started to realize it was Harry and he sounded pissed. When I got to the door I could hear him grunting and then he threw something.

                “Harry mate, open up.” I said knocking on the door, no answer. “Harry open the fucking door!” I yelled. There was still no response. Then I realized the door was open. I walked in and there was a broken lamp, a hole in the wall and I’m assuming he punched it. I tried to find Harry who was on the couch with a bloody hand, crying. What the hell happened?! Where’s Andrea?!

                “Harry what’s wrong?! Where’s Andrea?!” I asked getting paranoid.

                “She’s at home.”

                “Then what happened?”

                “After we went downtown we came here to hang out and I wanted to have sex, but she didn’t. We argued and I got pissed and she got a little scared and Paul took her home. Now she’s not talking to me and I feel bad, I don’t know what came over me.”

                I could feel my hands forming into fists and the anger boiling in me. “This motherfucker!” Was all that went through my head. It took every ounce of me not to beat him right and there. “No one hurts my best friend. Especially Harry, who’s put this girl through hell already.”

                “Why the fuck did you get mad if she didn’t want to have sex?!” I tried to contain my anger.

                “I’ve been sexually frustrated for a while and I miss her! Do you know how hard it is to hear Lou go at it with some girl and I can’t even do that with my own fiancé?!”

                That word stung me fiancé. “That sounds more like a personal problem, if you ask me.”

                “Well I didn’t smart ass you came in here!” He yelled.

                “I just wanted to see if you and Andrea were okay!”

                “Why are you so worried about Andrea all of sudden?!”

                I stood there in shock. I couldn’t tell him the truth. “She’s my fucking best friend! And if you hurt her one more time Harry I will fucking kill you!” I yelled and I stormed out of his room.

                As I was walking back to my room I saw Paul walking into his.

                “Paul!” I yelled out running towards him.

                “Zayn! I’ve been looking for you.”

                “Why what’s going on?! Where’s Andrea? Is she okay?”

                “Drea’s fine. She’s at home and she wanted me to tell you to call her.”

                I felt so relieved when Paul said she wanted to talk to me, but instead of calling her I ran to the lift to drive to her house.

                “ZAYN WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” Paul yelled down the hall.

                “I’m going to Drea’s!”

                When I ran outside it was pouring rain and I could tell the drive to her house was going to be hell but she was worth it; I had to make sure she was okay. I made it to her house about a half an hour later and noticed her parents weren’t home. I ran up to her door and started pounding on her front door. A few minutes later she opened the door and her eyes were all read and she had tear stains down her cheeks. As soon as she saw it was me she ran right into my arms and I held onto her as tightly as I could.

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