Chapter 30

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Louis’s POV

                Finally Liam can finally drink me and the lads. Everybody was with us expect for Danielle. We were all at the Funky Buddha. Liam was getting pretty hammered, but who cares we were all having a good time. Throughout the night I could sense I was getting more and more fucked. I knew I was going to regret drinking this much, but you know, “LIVE WHILE WERE YOUNG”. It’s not like we have work tomorrow anyway so who cares.

                Pretty much everybody was fucked up. But I think Zayn and Sarah left early; I know Eleanor left early because she had class tomorrow morning. I was drinking having a laugh with the lads, when I noticed a girl dancing by herself. She was fit, but you can tell she was drunk. Me being drunk and still drinking I went up to her. We were dancing and drinking. I didn’t even get her name and I really didn’t care.

                “Come home with me.” I said in her ear, loud enough so she could hear me.

                She nodded and we walked out together. I was in no way to drive and either was she so we got in a cab. It was so blurry I couldn’t even see her face, but I didn’t even care. I needed to have sex with someone. On the way to the flat I was digging my tongue this girl’s throat and maybe the cab driver didn’t appreciate that.

                Hot breath. Clothes tearing off of our skin. All before we even got the door open. I threw my keys to the other side of the room, including my jacket. I was groping on someone’s bum and breast. Her face was fuzzed up, but I didn’t care, I just wanted to have sex right now. I carried the unknown girl onto my bed, and striped all of our clothes off, kissing every noticeable piece of flesh on her. She moaned. She gripped onto my hair, pulling her lower to eat her out, I didn’t refuse. I plunged my tongue in and put 2 fingers inside. I feel her shake and slurring moan from her lips. I swirled my tongue inside of her and inserted my fingers and twisted them in there. She slurred another moan and I could’ve sworn I heard her saw “get inside me” so I did what I think I was told to do. I plunged inside of her and trying to keep my pace going in and out of her slowly and eventually faster and faster. Her face was still blurred but I didn’t care I felt so much pleasure surge through my veins and I felt so alive. I grabbed her arms and lifted them above her head putting my in full control. I haven’t felt so much pleasure in one night. I space in and out a couple times and when I finish all I remember is passing out next to the unknown girl next to me.

          Andrea’s POV

                I woke up with my head pounding and I didn’t want to get up. I rubbed my eyes and trying to figure where I was. There were clothes everywhere, I’ve seen this room before but it wasn’t Harry’s. I could hear someone snoring and I slowly turned my head to find; Louis.

                “Did I have sex with Louis?!” I thought to myself. “No no no. This couldn’t be true! I’m dreaming.” I thought.

                I looked at myself and I saw I was naked and so was Louis. I slowly got up and walked back to Harry’s room. I found him passed out on the bed with all his clothes on. Thank god he made it home safe. I took off his shoes, blazer, shirt and pants off so he could be more comfortable. In this whole process he didn’t even flinched. “Jesus Christ this kid was so drunk last night!” I thought.

                After fixing Harry I went in the bathroom and showered. I was trying to figure out what happened last night, but all I could remember was Haley and Josh got together and Liam has 2 kidneys. I would have to talk to Louis later when we all feel better.  After a long hot shower, my head was still pounding. I was just wearing yoga capris pants and a sports bra. After last night I’m pretty sure the boys and I are staying home today. I ate some food and took some Advil downstairs. I sat at the island going through some party plans and had to call the florist about the flowers.  After another hour I gained another headache with all the planning. It was almost two and I decided to go back upstairs to check on the boys.

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