Chapter 28

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The next morning I woke up to find myself in Harry’s strong arms. It felt amazing to wake up to him again. Being away from him tears me apart but it’s all worth it when we’re together. I decided to surprise him this morning so I got out of bed quietly so I wouldn’t wake him. I guess Harry changed me because I was wearing his longer shirts that barely covered my bum. I went downstairs to cook breakfast for us. I was making pancakes, eggs and bacon. While I was putting the last plate on the table I felt to strong arms around my waist.

                “Goodmorning babe.” I said turning around to face him.

                “Goodmorning.” He said in his husky morning voice.  “What’s all this?”

                “I wanted to surprise you.”

                “For what?”

                “For being the best fiancé anyone could ask for and because I just miss being with you here. I feel like we’re married already.” I smiled at my last thought.

                All he did was just smile at me and kissed me. “What?” I asked a bit confused.

                “I’m glad you brought that up.”

                “Bring what up?”

                “I’ll tell you later, first let’s eat I’m starving.” He kissed me and let me to go eat.

                During breakfast I was wonder what he just said. Occasionally he’ll look at me and laugh. After we were done eating we washed the dishes together.

                “Hey babe, you have something on your face.” I laughed.

                “Can you get it off?”

                “Sure.” I said taking a handful of bubbles and slapping him.

                He gave me the “oh no you didn’t” look and just smirked. They he grabbed the faucet and stated to spray me with water. After ten minutes of fighting we had another ten minutes cleaning up.

                “Hey babe, how about you go shower and I’ll finish cleaning up. We need to leave at noon.”

                “What are we doing?”

                “You’ll see.” He smiled. I just rolled my eyes and proceed upstairs. After my shower I changed into a blue multicolor romper, a jean jacket and brown sandals. While Harry was in the shower I curled my hair and put my makeup on. 

                When he came out he was wearing his grey shirt with a heart on it, black jeans, his converse and a beanie.

                “Are you ready baby?” He asked peeking out the balcony where I was texting Eleanor.

                I nodded and got up. We got into the car and the first thing we hear on the radio is the boys.

                “Where are we going?” I finally asked.

                “We’re meeting Lou.” He said not taking his eyes off the road.

                “For what?”

                All he did is smile. When we finally came to a stop we picked up Lou from Starbucks.

                “Drea! I missed you! How are you?” Lou said giving me a hug.

                “I’m good. I missed you too! How’s Lux and Tom?”

                “There well. Lux really misses you.” I was flattered because I did miss Lux. I went inside to find Harry already waiting for my white mocha.

                “You know me so well.” I said giving him a kiss as he gave me my drink.

                “So Harry do you know what you want in the house?” Lou asked.

                “What?” I asked confused.

                “You don’t know?” Lou asked.

                “Know what?”

                “Oh look there’s Alan.” Harry said dragging me and Lou out of Starbucks.

                After Harry introduced us to Alan I pulled him to the said.

                “Harry what is going on? I want the truth.” I said sternly.

                All he did was smile and it was driving me crazy. “HARRY!” I said giving him a little push.

                “We’re looking at houses today. “

                “Why are you moving?” I asked.

                “So we can have more room and more privacy.”

                “Then where’s Louis? Shouldn’t he have a say in this?”

                “No, Louis isn’t moving with me.”

                “Then why do you keeping saying “we”?” Then I thought about it and smiled. “Harry are we-?”

                “I wanted to surprise you. I want you to move in with me.” Harry cut me off.

                “Harry I love you, but I can’t just pack up and move to London. I’m still in high school, I’m not even 18 yet.”

                “I know.” He laughed. “I want just a place where we can call our own when you come here and it gives a chance to see what it’s like to live with each other without Louis interrupting us.”

                “So this is our house?” I asked with a smile.

                He nodded. “It’s all up to you. Whatever you want.” I looked at him and I just wanted to cry. I jumped into his arms and kissed him.

                “I love you, you know that?” I said smiling at him.

                “And I love you. Now come on love, our house awaits us.” He said taking my hand as we walked down the street with the realtor and Lou.

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