Chapter 33

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Haley’s POV

                I felt so bad that Liam and Danielle broke up and I haven’t told Josh. After Josh would leave Liam would come over and just hang out. Drea, Kare and I decided to stay in London for the summer, but Sarah would come back and forth because of work. I feel really bad that I didn’t tell Josh, eventually I will but not now.

                It’s been a month and a half since Josh asked me out, I cheated on him and Liam and Danielle. Liam has been really depressed, but we both been helping each other get through this time together. Josh was in Leicestershire to visit family. I haven’t been feeling well lately and Liam has been with me all the time. I haven’t even told any of the boys or even Andrea. One night I was throwing up and I called Liam crying. He rushed right over trying to calm me down.

                “It’s okay love. We just need to take you to the doctor.” He said calmly.

                “Do you think?” I aid looking at him not finishing the question.

                “It’s a possibility.” He said. “How long have you been like this?”

                “A few weeks.”

                “The first thing in the morning we’re going to the doctor. We need to make sure.” He sounded so Dad like it was kinda funny.

                “Okay.” I managed to say smiling.

                The next morning I woke up still feeling nausea, but I had to fight it and get ready to go to the doctor with Liam.

                “Hey, love I bought you some breakfast.” He said handing me coffee and some food from Starbucks.

                “Thanks Liam.” I said giving him a hug. He was so sweet.

                We drove to the doctor after I was done eating. It was early and no one was following us. We were at the doctors for about an hour and a half.

                “So Haley and Liam.” The doctor said.

                “Yes?” We said in sync.

                “I’d like to congratulate you. You’re having a baby.” He cheered.

                We were both shocked, no words. I was excited, but scared at the same time. I looked at Liam he was shocked, but he was smiling.

                “How long have you been together?” the doctor asked.

                We had no idea what to say because we aren’t together and my boyfriend doesn’t know I cheated on him.

                “We’re not together.” Liam said awkwardly.

                The rest of the appointment was awkward, but we made our next appointment. After the doctors we went out to eat and to talk about what we’re going to do.

                “So Haley….. What are we going to do when the baby comes?” He asked quietly.

                “Well first I have to tell Josh and my family.”

                “When do you plan on doing that?”

                “I don’t know really.” I said sadly.

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