Chapter 14

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Andrea’s POV

                Once Harry left I hopped in the shower to get ready for the day. I was wearing a coal maxi dress and flats. Once I was ready I went downstairs to get some breakfast with Kare, Sarah, Haley, Eleanor and Danielle. Once I was in the lobby I realized everyone was waiting for me. Eleanor and Danielle were running up to me.

                “Oh my God babe look at you! You look gorgeous! I missed you! How you’ve been?!” Eleanor asked.

                “I’ve been wonderful, pregnant but wonderful. How’ve you been? I missed you so much!” I gave her a huge hug.

                “I’m been good. I needed to see you before you gave birth.”

                “I’m so glad you’re here!”

                “Are you forgetting someone?!” Danielle said popping her head behind Eleanor.

                “Of course not babe. How are you?!” I gave Danielle a hug.

                “I’m good. I’ve been in rehearsing for the Olympics. How’s our little girl?” She asked putting her hand on my stomach.

                “Wonderful now that her aunts are here now, aren’t you Darcy?” In response Darcy kicked a little for them.

                “Oh my God!” They said in sync.

                “Oh girls this is my friend from school, her names Haley.” I said walking towards the table.

                “We’ve met. She told us about your plan about her and Josh.” Eleanor said.

                “I personally think it’s brilliant. You two look so cute together.” Danielle said.

                “Oh my God guys! I just met the guy.” Haley laughed.

                “Did you guys talk?” Karoline asked.

                “Yeah last night we hung out.”

                “What did you do?” Sarah asked with a cheeky smile.

                It took a while to answer, as if she was trying to choose her words carefully. “We just hung out in his room.”

                “What happened?! I need details women!!” I yelled.

                “Well we all went out and we just stayed together, to get to know each other. Then we went to his room to hang out for a little longer just watching TV. Then we feel asleep.”

                “Wait you fell asleep with him?!” Danielle basically yelled.

                “Oh my! We just feel asleep, we didn’t have sex. Calm down.”

                “Do you like him?! Does he like you?!” Kare asked quickly.

                “Yeah I really do like him. I don’t know if he likes me.”

                “I’m sure he likes you.” Eleanor said.

                After breakfast I went back to my room to watch a little TV and go on the computer until Harry came back. I went on Sugarscape and looked at some articles and I saw one about Harry and Felicity. It was basically saying she was stilling trying to win him back, and nothing is going to stop her. I brushed off and went on twitter. After I reached the limit of hate to read I closed the laptop and watched some TV. There was an interview of them from today and I couldn’t stop thinking how fit Harry was. My thoughts were interrupted by Harry and Louis coming in.

                “Hello love! How are we doing today?” Louis asked giving me a hug.

                “Better now that Uncle Louis is here aren’t we Darcy?”

                “Hey what about Daddy?” Harry said pouting.

                “C’mon Styles suck it up and be a man.” I giggled.

                “Well then.” He sassed me.

                “I’m kidding.” I ran behind him to hug him from behind. “We missed you like crazy, I missed you like crazy.” I said trying to kiss the bottom of his ear, but I couldn’t reach. So I kissed him on the neck gently.

                He turned me around and kissed me. “I missed you too.”

                Louis grunted. “Ughh get a room!” He shouted.

                “You’re in our room, dumbass!”

                “Pregnant and rude. Good luck Harold.” Louis said walking away.

                “I’ll get you back Tommo, just watch.” I said closing the door.

                Once Louis left we went out to lunch at this little Italian restaurant close by the hotel. Right after lunch we went back to the hotel to get ready for the concert. I changed in to black jeggings, a white flowy shirt and a black ¾ blazer with flats. After I curled my hair put my make up on we went downstairs to meet everyone there.

                When we got to the arena girls were already there. You could see and hear them from a mile away. Harry and I quickly went inside and the fans understood. Once everyone came in I was getting a moody because I was getting uncomfortable. I didn’t want to ruin the boys day, they were really happy and just running around.

                “Harry, I’m going to walk around. I need to move.” I said trying to get up. Harry and Liam held out there hands to help me up. “Thank you.” I said fixing my clothes.

                “No problem love.” Liam said giving me a hug.

                “Do you want me to come with you babe?” Harry asked.

                “No, I’ll be fine. Get ready for your concert.” I kissed him and walked towards the door.

                I walked around the arena just thinking. I was listening to music on my iPod. I stopped to take pictures with some of the VIP’s just to be nice. It was getting a bit hectic so I went upstairs to sit down and be alone. The boys were doing sound check and the girls were going crazy. Sitting there made me feel so happy and thankful to be with Harry and to have a baby with him.

                After sound check the boys were getting ready to do the meet and greet. Paul and Preston were guiding the hysterical and crying girls backstage. I sat there thinking I was one of those girls. Of course I never met them at their concert, there tickets were crazy expensive and they were sold out as the speed of light so I never had the chance. After a few minutes of sitting there I tried to get up to go backstage. When I finally managed to get up and make my way to the stairs I heard someone behind me.

                “Hello, Andrea.” I turned around, but all I can see was a dark figure.

                “Who are you?” I was getting a little creeped out.

                “You know me and I know you. I know you every well. And I know more about you and Harry.”

                I knew that voice, but from where. I had an idea who it was, but it couldn’t be. “What do you want?!” I yelled.

                “You know what I want. Don’t be fucking stupid.” The figure came out for the dark and I could see her beautiful long blonde hair and beaming blue eyes. It was Felicity

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