Chapter 18

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The next morning Harry and I got up early to visit his parents.

                I was in the living room with Gemma just catching up, Harry was in the kitchen helping his mom and Robin was outside grilling. I was getting a little thirsty so I went into the kitchen, but before I went in I could hear Harry and his mum talking.

                “Are you sure about this?” Anne asked.       

                “I’ve never been so sure in my life. She’s perfect and I love her.”

                “My baby isn’t a baby anymore.” Anne cried out.

                “Hey babe.” Harry said pretending nothing happened.

                “Hey, are you okay Anne?” I asked.

                “Yeah, ‘m good love. Do you need anything?” She asked wiping her tears.

                “I was just thirsty, but I can ge-“ She cut me off.

                “No you don’t. What do you need, I’ll get it for you.”

                 “Lemonade please if you don’t mind.”

                “Don’t worry about it baby.”

                “Thank you.”

                After lunch Harry and I had to go because we had to pack for our secret vacation. When we were saying our goodbyes Harry and his mum were having a little conversation before we got in the car

                “So what were you and your mum talking about?” I asked.

                “Nothing, why?” he said keeping his eyes on the road.

                “Really nothing? You’re lying to me.”

                “Really nothing. She just told me for us to have a good time to where going tomorrow.”

                “Where are we going?” I whinnied.

                “I can’t tell you till tomorrow.” He gave me a cheeky grin.

                The rest of the day we packed and hung out with the boys. Louis and Zayn went out for a little bit and came back with huge smiles on their faces and whispered something to Harry. It seemed like everyone knew what was going on expect me, which always seems to happen.

                “Harry can you please tell me where we’re going?!” I whinnied as he climbed into bed.

                “Can’t you wait a few more hours?” He laughed.

                “NO!” I exclaimed.

                “Well too bad.” He said turning off the light.

                “Fine, be like that!” I said turning my back to him.

                “Babe don’t be like that.”

                “Not unless you give me a clue.”

                “We’re taking a plane.”

                I glared at him, but gave in and scooted closer to him. We woke up at 10 and got ready to go to the airport. Once we got to the airport we said good bye to Louis and Eleanor who dropped us off.

                “Hey call right when you do it!” They yelled out the car.

                Harry smiled, but gave Louis a death stare as if he said something he wasn’t supposed to.

                “What are they talking about?” I asked.

                “Nothing. Come on now.” He said grabbing my hand.

                Harry was still hiding our plane tickets from me. We were sitting waiting for our flight to be called and I was just resting on Harry’s shoulder.

                “Flight D628 for Paris, France is now boarding.” The lady called. 

                “Come on love we need to go.” Harry said quietly.

                “We’re going to Paris?” I said excited.

                “Surprise!” He gave me a cute little kid smile.

                I jumped into his arms. I’ve wanted to go to Paris my whole life and I was so excited. “I love you.” I said in his shoulder.

                “I love you too, babe.” He said kissing me walking to the gate.

                The flight wasn’t that long; I was just looking out the window into the clouds. Harry was asleep next to me and I was quietly talking, but not to myself; to Darcy

                “Hi baby, how are you? I miss you. Me, your Daddy, aunts and uncles and everyone else misses you too. I wish you could be with us right now. I just want you to know that if it was up to me I give my life up so you can grow up and be a wonderful women I know you would have been. Trust me I would never want this to happen and I regret everything that happened to cause this. I wish you could be here with us. Just give me something that I know you’re listening to me.” A few moments later a ray of sunshine came out through the clouds. “Thank you. I love you and we’ll do everything to make you proud.” I could feel the tears coming down face.”

                “It’s okay baby. I know, please don’t cry.” Harry said calming me down.

                Once we landed we went straight to the hotel to get ready for dinner that night. We went to this fancy French restaurant (obviously) in the city. It was absolutely beautiful. It was an outdoor restaurant and the city looked breath taken. It was definitely a wonderful surprise. After dinner Harry and I walked around the city and we stopped by the Effie Tower. We got someone to take our picture and we just stared at it.

                Standing there felt so surreal. I was standing there with my arms around the Harry Styles of One Direction. We’ve gone through so much for almost a year and I was in Paris with him. “I think Harry definitely be the one.” I thought.

                “Thank you, Harry.” I said looking at him. I could see the light reflect off his emerald eyes before he turned to me.

                “For what?” He smiled with his dimples that would kill anyone.

                “For being so wonderful. For being the best boyfriend in the world. For this wonderful surprise.” I said trying to contain my excitement.

                “Well I what I can to make my princess happy.” He kissed my forehead.

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