Chapter 11

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Andrea’s POV

                Last night everyone was being really loud and I was so uncomfortable. Harry stayed up with me and we both felt the baby move for the first time. We were both really happy and we couldn’t wait to tell every at dinner at dinner. Everyone had their own thing today and Harry and I were going to the doctors today.

                We were in the waiting room and people we staring at us. I’m not sure if it was because Harry Styles and his girlfriend were there or if two teenagers were there. Either way we both ignored them.

                “Ms. Walker, you can come in now.” The nurse called out from the door. Harry helped me up and we walked into the room.

                We waited for a few minutes for the doctor to come in. “Hello Renee it’s nice to see you again.”

                “Nice to see you again, Dr. Brown. This is my boyfriend Harry.”

                “It’s nice to finally meet you Harry. My daughters are huge fans.” He said shaking his hand.

                “Thank you so much. It’s really nice to meet you too.”

                “So, Andrea how are you feeling?”

                “Well, I’m very uncomfortable at night and we felt the baby move last night.”

                “Excellent. Let’s hear how the little fellow’s doing today.” He grabbed the jelly stuff and rubbed it on my stomach. Harry heard the heart beat for the first time and he was getting a little emotional.  “Well I have some good news.” He looked at us. “I think we can tell you the gender of the baby.”

                “Really?!” I was so excited. The doctor and Harry helped me up and led us to the ultrasound room. He did the same exact same thing for the heartbeat. I was holding Harry’s hand and I could tell he was nervous.

                “Oh my God. This is so weird.” Harry said wiping his tear.

                “So are you guys ready for the gender?”

                I look at Harry who had a huge smile on his face which made me smile. “Are you ready?” I asked.

                He squeezed my hand a little. “Ready than ever love.” And kissed my forehead.

                “Okay, well Harry and Andrea. I would you like to see your new baby girl.”

                I was bawling and Harry was crying.


                “Thank you so much.”

                After the doctors we went out for lunch and went back to the hotel. I was laying down because I was tired and I wanted to take a nap before dinner. Before I took my nap Harry and I told our family and we skyped with his back in London.

                I was laying down and Harry was next to me rubbing my tummy. I was falling asleep, but could still hear Harry talking.

                “I’m going to love you and protect you from everything. The boys are going to be the best uncles in the world. Your mummy is my queen and you’re going to be my princess. You deserve the world and I won’t stop at nothing to give that to you.”

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