Chapter 39

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Andrea’s POV

                It was the day before my birthday and I’m getting really excited. I’ve been waiting for this day since I was 10 and I can’t believe this day has finally come. I woke around 11:30 and got dress for the day. It was getting a little hectic because all of my family members were here and we had the rehearsals before the party. I had 9 girls and 9 guys not including my escort. Sarah, Karoline, El, Danielle, Gemma and a couple of my childhood friends were my candles. Zayn, Niall, Louis, Dan (Diggy), Justin, Donnie, my two little cousins Philip and Jacob and my best friend Eddie were my roses. When we got to the venue downtown it looked amazing. Harry and I were waiting for everyone to get to the place so we could get this over with since I had to finish a lot of things.

                An hour and a half later we were finally done and Harry and I had to finish last minute shopping until we had to go to dinner with my family. I had to buy presents for my court and for my little nephews Evan and Sebastian. I got all my candles a Tiffany and Co charm bracelets and Harry ordered the boys custom cufflinks from London. After we got everything and everything wrapped we went back to my house to get ready for dinner. (x) El had come over to do my makeup and hair before we left. While we were in my bathroom Harry and the boys were getting ready in the guest bedroom and they came in wearing this (x).

                “Wow you guys look amazing.” I said stunned.

                “Well not as great as you. Our little birthday girl.” Niall said poking my check.

                “Guys get out! We’re almost done.” El demanded.

                “Okay fine! No need to be snappy!” Lou said kissing El and leaving the bathroom.

                After an hour El was putting the finishing touches on my hair and makeup.

                “Hey babe, it’s almost 7 we need to go!!” Harry yelled from the stairs.

                “Okay okay we’re coming!” I yelled back.

                “You sound like a married couple already.” El laughed.

                “Don’t remind me.” I said rolling my eyes.

                As I was walking out of the bathroom El called me back.

                “Forgetting something?” She said cheeky. Hold my engagement ring in her hands.

                “Oh my god I almost forget! You’re a life saver.” I said giving her a hug.

                When I was walking down the stairs I heard the boys watching football and Louis was pissed ManU was losing. Typical Lou. 

                “Are you guys ready?” I asked and the boys all turned around and looked up.

                “Wow…” Zayn started.

                “You…” Lou said.

                “Look.” Niall drooled.

                “Absolutely stunning.” Harry finished with a smile.

                I had no words to say. I looked down to hide my blushing and I bit my lip. “Com’ on boys we’re already late.” I said getting my jacket from the kitchen. As I was putting on my jacket I felt 2 arms around my waist.

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