Chapter 10

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Andrea’s POV

                I couldn’t really sleep last night, but I needed coffee. It was 8 in the morning and Harry was pasted out. I showered and changed, then went downstairs for some alone time with coffee. I needed time to think about what happened yesterday with Kare and Niall. I went to Starbucks in our hotel and ordered my usual Venti white mocha with a cinnamon swirl coffee cake. I sat by the pool to relax with my phone on twitter. I got up to get another coffee cake when I saw Niall.

                “Hey Niall.” I said giving him a hug.

                “Hey, love.”

                “What are you doing up so early?” I asked.

                “I couldn’t sleep at all.”

                “Niall can we talk about something?”

                “Yeah sure.”

                We sat down, away from people for some privacy.

                “Okay. I love you and Karoline. And I know Karoline really likes you. I don’t want to question is if like her or not. It’s just I want to know that you’re not going to hurt her again.”

                “Look Drea I love you too. Do I still like you? Yes, but your with Harry and you’re having a baby. So obviously were not meant to be, but I really like Kare. I know I hurt her in the past to get to you and I regret everything. Trust me I want to treat her like a princess. Just like Harry does to you, when he’s not being a dumbass.” He laughed a little.

                “Niall promise me, to be better than Harry. Promise me to never cheat on her. She’s gone through a lot with you boys and with James. I know me and her don’t show any feelings towards each other, but I do really care about her and I can’t to see her hurt again.”

                Niall took my hands and looked into my eyes. “I promise Andrea I will treat her better than Harry treats you.” He gave me a smile that warms my heart.

                “Thank you Niall.” We both walked back to the elevator and I gave him a huge hug.

                “I love you Andrea.” Niall said in the elevator.

                “I love you too Niall. You’ll always have a special place in my heart.” I gave him a kiss in the cheek.

                “You’ll always have a special place in my heart too love.”

                I gave him one last kiss on the cheek and we both went to our room, which was right next to each other.

                Karoline's POV:

                Today was the boy's day off and I wanted to spend some time with Niall. We wanted to watch a comedy so we got Netflix up and looked for a good movie.

                "Okay babe, which one do you wanna watch?" Niall said as he kisses my cheek.

                "Hmm, let’s watch cop out! I saw it once with my friend and I think you'll love it."

                "Okay let’s see if they have it." he said as he searched for the movie. Turns out they had it and we cuddled up and began to watch the movie.

                "Niall, stop! Watch the movie!" I said laughing. Niall wouldn't stop kissing my neck and it tickled my neck.

                "But babe, I’d much rather kiss you then watch a movie!" he said teasingly.

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