Chapter 20

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You know those perfect moments in life where you just have to pinch yourself and take a moment to let it all sink in and accept that it’s really actually happening? That’s what I felt at this moment when I took Renee up to our room after I proposed to her. I wanted to make this moment special. Times like these are usually half-assed and made into a huge sex romp. But not today; today, it’s going to be special. I set up a beautiful place in the hotel, and rented out the largest room they had before I left to the Eiffel tower. I decorated it with roses. I had to be cheesy. The look on her face was pure awe when she laid her eyes on the room.”

                “Harry... This is amazing.” She said, eyes wide open looking around as she smiled.

                “It’s all for you, future Mrs. Styles.” I leaned in closer to her, inches away from her face. In response, without saying a word, she gracefully got on her tip toes and kissed me.

                I held her waist and slowly lifted her shirt feeling every detail of her. I dropped the shirt on the floor, unaware of where it landed, and not caring. She lifted up my shirt and threw it in the opposite side of the room.  I picked her up, bridal style, and went to lay her on the bed. I kissed her so passionately, like I was never going to kiss her ever again. I looked at her, her body, and leaned down to her ear and whispered “you’re so beautiful. I can’t believe I got so lucky.” She smiled and replied with a kiss, I saw her blushing in between. After everything that happened with Darcy, she has been so strong with everything. I went down to her stomach and planted a couple of soft kisses. She knew what I was doing because when I looked up to her, I saw a single tear going down her cheek. I went up to brush it off and I kissed her. I continued to kiss her, removing her bra, as she attempted to take off my pants. She had some trouble with the belt, so I helped her take it off. We tossed our clothes to the side, leaving a pile of striped clothing. She started to take her own pants and underwear off, and I, my boxers. I hovered over her and pushed myself inside. She whimpered in the first thrust, but after a couple, she began to get into the rhythm of it. I kissed her forehead, as if hoping it would take the pain away. I went a little bit faster. I grabbed her hands and pulled them up above her, holding her down. It was easier to kiss her this way, too. She grabbed onto my hair, gripping it with lust and pleasure. This was completely different than the other times we’ve had sex. This was what making love was. We didn’t have any energy left in us, so we climbed into bed and just cuddled and whispered sweet things to each other.

                “You know, you really are beautiful.” I tell her, kissing her forehead.

                “You’re not too bad looking yourself, styles.” she winked.

                “I promise to never cheat on you again. I don’t know what came over me.”

                “It’s ok, it’s the past. I’m tired, let’s just go to bed.” She said, snuggling up to me, curling up like a ball next to me.

                “Goodnight Mrs. Styles.” I smiled. I will never get use to that.

                “Goodnight.” And with that, we drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.

                Since Andrea and I got back to the hotel late and got a little busy after that. Andrea and I woke up that morning and she jumped in the shower. When she came out of the bathroom I was on Skype with my family.

                “And there’s my lovely fiancé now.” I said patting the spot next to me. “Come on love, the in-laws want to see you.”

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