bad memories~part two!

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Jessie's P.O.V

"we are never ever ever  getting back together! " Kayla sang,

"Ok, shut up now, "! I said sarcastically, but I meant it, because I hate Tayour Swift. "Stop, being such a party pooper"! she said and I started to laugh, "stop making me laugh.  what was so funny? she asked, party pooper, like I would poop on a party, that's why I was laughing, I explained to her, well turning off the radio.

"were here, Kayla as she got out of my car and waved goodbye! I dropped my car at home and went for a run, 2 hours later. I was sitting on a bench, watching the sunset, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a messy brown haired boy with green eyes, ask if he could sit there.

Sure, I don't bite. I said , sarcastically,

"oh, I was hoping you do", he raised his eyebrow.

this kid must be really, horny.  "I was, kidding you know!" he  said softly, he turned so I could see his face and I looked to his eyes, they reminded me of this kid I went to high school with and I couldn't stand him.

"uh, my name is Jessie Myer, as  I smiled.

Harry's P.O.V

that name, Jessie Myer! I know her from high school, she was such a princess. "um do you wanna tell me your name?" she asked,

"sure, I'm harry styles, but you should know that, cause i'm famous".

"no, I know your name, from somewhere else". she said. "That's it high school, big, bad, bold Harry Styles.

Wait she remembered me too, this might be a sign, that I'm meant to be with her.

Do you remember me? she asked, I looked up at her big brown eyes.

Yeah, I do. You were the princess, the perky princess. I said smirking, as she pouted at my remark.

"i'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset. I tried to be serious, well saying that, but it was quiet hard when she's so cute". I except ! she said,

"hey you wanna, see something cool. I asked"?

"um, sure! where, exactly? she asked softly, and I glanced at her, and said its a surprise, sweet face.   come with me, I said pulling her towards my car.

"get in, princess". I said and she smirked. "how long is it gonna take to get there? she asked, with a light smile.

"three more minutes, babe". I said and glanced at her again, I remember having a thing for her I had every girl in are high school, wrapped around my finger, except for her. I remember always taunting her and trying to make her horny for me, and at one point I actually almost got her in bed with me.

where here! I said with joy.

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