Till death do us apart

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I was just about ready to go with my plan. I'll say my goodbyes.

I pulled out phone and began to text Louis.

"Lou, today I'm finally going to get away from Harry, I won't feel heartbroken anymore. I left my diary for you and the pic that we took on sunday. Its in the diray. You have to get my key under the mat to enter my house. I love you. You've always been there for me, and I thank you for that.

Goodbye forever Lou".

I sighed at the text, there were tears falling from my eyes.

I started to text Niall.

"Niall, I'm going to miss you. I really wanted to say goodbye in person, but I couldn't. I just can't. I love you so much and I'll always remember you. Goodbye Niall, I'll never forget about you". I cried to the text as I hit send.

Louis P.O.V

A text appeared on my phone from Jess.

"Lou, today I'm finally going to get away from Harry, I won't feel heartbroken anymore. I left my diary for you and the pic that we took on sunday. Its in the diray. You have to get my key under the mat to enter my house. I love you. You've always been there for me, and I thank you for that.

Goodbye forever Lou". I read through it.

Is she going to kill herself?

I ran out of my room and saw Niall crying on the couch.

"Why are you crying Niall", I whispered.

"I think Jess has killed herself", he muttered.

"You got the message too! We need to find her"! I panicked. She couldn't of.

"You go find Harry and I'll go find her"! Niall said as he grabbed his keys. I nodded and ran to Harry's room.

"Harry"! I swung open the door.

"What"? He asked.

"Jess is going to kill herself"! I said.

Harry's P.O.V

She can't. She wouldn't.

"What the fuck? How do you know this"? I asked. I stood from my bed and grabbed my keys.

"She sent me and Niall texts". He sighed.

"Fuck! I have to go find her"! I shouted as I ran out of my room. I need her.

I love her.


Jessie's P.O.V

I pressed my foot on the petal and didn't take it off. It was going to go right off this Cliff.

"Don't do this"! Harry shouted from behind me.

"Your not real! I have to get away from you"! I shouted back.

"Please Jess I need you, you can't do this. Please I love you".

"No! No you don't, you would of told me. Leave me alone, so I can't get away from you, and my scared life". I shouted.

"I love you"! He whispered. I pressed hard on the peddle.

The car broke through the fence as it fell down the cliff. It wasn't that far but it was enough to kill you, and that's what I want. That's what I was planning. To kill myself.


Harry's P.O.V

Her phone went to voicemail again. Fuck please answer. Give me a sign that your still alive. Please.

My phone rang and I quickly picked it up.

"Hello who's this"? I asked.

"Hi hello your friend Jessie Myers is in the hospital, you were the first one on her contacts so I thought I should call you". The old women said.

Yes they found her.

"Is she okay"? I asked. Please be okay.

"I'm afraid she might not be. She drove off a cliff not to long ago. Were lucky we go her, but there's lots of damage. She might not make it. Were sorry".

I hanged up. I couldn't speak.

She can't be....Died. I can't loose her, not again. She needs to be okay. Please make her okay, please let her be alive. I'm begging you, god, whatever you do don't let her die. I prayed. I started up my car again and headed for the hospital.


"I'm looking for Jessie Myers room", I whispered to the lady.

She nodded and typed some shit into the computer, "She's in surgery right now, she won't be out for at least three hours. You can wait here", She pointed to the chair. Three hours? God what has she done?

I'm a total mess, lucky no screaming fans our at the hospital.

"Um..Hello sir, do you mine giving this little girl a autograph, she has cancer and it would mean a lot"? A older women asked.

I nodded and signed the paper in front of me. She gave me a light smile and whispered thank you, I nodded.


Two hours later.

"Sir, Jessie Myers is ready for visitors". The older women spoke. I awoke from my sleep and followed her to the room.

"Here it is, go on in", She whispered. I nodded and walked in. The lady closed the door behind me.

She looked bad. Horrible actually.

I walked closer and held her burned hand.

"Jessie are you awake"? I whispered.

"T-that's the first time you called me Jessie, in a long time", She whispered. Just knowing that she was alive made me happy to hear. If she was died I don't know what I would do.

"Why would you do this to yourself"? I asked.

"To get away from you, I couldn't bare living in the same world as the man that broke my heart. So I wanted to die, and I wish they didn't save me". She coughed.

"You don't mean that".

"Yes I do Harry, I loved you. You out of all the people in the world, I just ha to fall in love with you, and you tore me into little pieces. I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't take you anymore. So if I was to die there would be no more worrying about you. I just wanted to get away, I couldn't stand knowing that your with Kenzie having fun. I can't stand not knowing that you don't love me". She coughed.

All her words played in my head.

"I do love you". I whispered as I leaned in to kiss her cheek.

"H-Harry we both know it's too late, I'm going to die anytime now right here on this bed, and if you stay here, you'll have to watch me die", She coughed.

"And that would brake you, just like it broke me to hear that you don't love me". She sighed.

She's right, if I stay here I'll end up seeing her die, and I'll die inside. I can't let her die.

I won't let her die.

"Please don't say that", I whispered.

"What I'm going to die, it's the truth Harry".

"I have to die, I want to die", She said.

Why dose she have to die?

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