My beautiful child

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Okay i meant to post this before 'The After'.


The baby wined in my hands. It was so small. To think that we made another human, is just amazing. I wish Jess was around to see this.

All the boys stood around me.

"What are you gonna call it"? Liam asked.

I wasn't really sure.

"It's a boy so how about...Marcel". I chuckled at the name.

"That's a great name"! Niall said.

"Where'd you think of that"? Zayn asked.

"I don't know it just came to me".

I whispered. I lift the baby up higher so I could see it's perfect green eyes.

Just like mine.

I smirked to myself. I made a human. I made this little boy, well I didn't do it alone.

How much I wish you were here.

"Hi Marcel". Louis said as the baby giggled.

"Wow! It looks a lot like Jess".

Zayn said.

I nodded, "He's just perfect". I whispered.

"So what are you going to do? You know with the tour coming up"? Liam asked.

"Well...Ill probably leave it with my mom and Gemma,"

"Oh, good"!

"Well I think I should go home! I have to give the baby a nap". I said.

They all nodded an I walked to the car.

I put it in the baby chair, which I bought yesterday and drove away.

I can't believe I have a child.

I won't let him go. I won't do what I did with Jess, I'll never let this baby go.

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