the awkward truth! ~part one

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Jessie's P.O.V

What is this place? I asked, as he turned towards me to see me shiver, "do you want my jacket"? he asked, waiting for my response as he took the jacket off. "I-I d-don't w-want to make you cold". i said, chattering my teeth. "here, take it"! I tossed it to her. "oh! this is where I go to just get away," he said to me, as she looked around "the alley, is where you come to get away'? I asked,

"NO! I'll just show you, follow me". he said as I followed him up a ladder, it was quiet stable.

when we got up the ladder, there was place were you could see the stars, it looked beautiful, "okay, here's the cool thing, as he told me to lie down on my back and look up. "Do you know, the name of the stars? I asked. looking into his green eyes,

"I know most of them".

so what do you do know for a living? are you still a carefree badass?

uh I am in the boy band :"one direction", and yes i'm still a badass. "your in that band, my friend loves you guys your on her wall i'm surprised I didn't notice you, maybe I didn't look closely.

do you like taylor swft music? I asked him,

I dated her, that song "we are never ever getting back together", yeah that was about me. hah that is so funny, can you sing me one of your bands songs? I asked,

okay ready

give you this, give you that , blow a kiss take it back, if I look in side your brain ,i would find lots of things clothes, shoes, dimond rings stuff that's drivimg me insane,

3 minutes later!!!

I want I want I want but that's crazy I want I want I want but that's not me I wan i want i want to be loved by you!

Harry's P.O.V

I don't know were she lives so ill just bring her home,

when i got home, no one was awake, i carried her up stairs and put her on my bed and put the blankets on her. I took a shower and when i got out she was still asleep, i grabbed my pj's and put them on i grabbed, my headband and put it on my head, then i got in my bed and laied right beside her, she cuddled me, well her face was on my chest.

i felt her move every now and then it was probably to tell me she's alive, "wake up" i basically yelled right in her ear as i heard someone opening my door, it was Louis. "again, HARRY". he shouted,

shut up Louis she's asleep, and its not like that, i know her from a long time ago, like in high school.

"uh ha," Louis said sarcastically! as he left the room,

why wont they believe me? i asked, myself.

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