The tank ship!

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Jessie's P.O.V

Harry was passed out on my couch. I had to wake him up and tell him to go home. I needed to get back to Niall. it wasn't right to leave him there. I slightly shook Harry. "What's going on"? he asked. I didn't know how to tell him to get out. I was just going to make up something on the spot. "Harry get out of my house"! I demanded.

"Why"? he said, as he sat up.

"Because"........ I couldn't make up a lie. so I'm going to tell the truth.

"Because you called me trash and a hoe and a slut! Harry did you think I forgot? I'm still mad. you hurt me. I didn't want to do this, now! But you... your just pissing me off right now. so if your not going to leave I'll have to make you"! I basically yelled out.

I had to get my feelings out. that's not even all I had to say, but that's all I could get out right now.

"Ok! I'll leave". he said, getting up.

he didn't even say sorry. he didn't even comfort me.

He was opening the door when I ran in front of him.

"What the fuck! your not going to apologies"! I shouted.

"Nope! you said to get out, so I'm getting out"! he spat back.

"You know what Harry! you can leave and not come back"! I screamed and shut the door as he left. I walked up stairs and laid beside Niall.

I cuddled up to him.

Niall's P.O.V

My eyes shot open as someone hugged my waist. "Are you okay"? I asked. I knew exactly who was hugging me.

"You heard us"? she asked, looking done. I turned my body to face her.

"Yeah! I'm not a heavy sleeper".

she sighed and released her grip from my waist. "Are you okay"? I repeated.

I pulled her closer to me.

"Yeah I guess. I got most of my feelings out. when I screamed them to Harry. The worst part was he didn't even care. He didn't comfort me, he just left. I think he actually doesn't care about me". I sighed. "Harry is an ass, he'll always be an ass. He rarely cares about anybody but himself. don't beat yourself up. don't think it's your fault. it's all his". I said.

She hugged me tighter.

"Thank you Niall. for being there for me". she whispered.

*****Next Morning*****

Jessie's P.O.V

I woke up in Niall's arms. He's so sweet. I don't know why I got involved with Harry again. I only got one good thing, from this relationship, and that's Niall. Meeting him made me feel safe. Safer then when I'm when Harry.

"Wake up sleepy head". I whispered in Niall's ear. Niall's eyes shot open.

"Wow your eager to see me, aren't you"? he nodded and hugged me. He kissed me on the cheek . My cheeks turned red. I think Niall noticed.

"Let's go for breakfast". Niall suggested.

"Sure! only if you promise not to pay". I said. he pouted and said okay.

"I have to take a shower. So you can wait in my room". I said as I walked into the bathroom.

Niall's P.O.V

I quickly got dressed, and waited for her to get out of the shower. I pulled out my phone. I turned off the ringer so it wouldn't interrupt me and Jess sleeping. I got a text from Harry, about 5 minutes ago. "Hey Niall! I need some advice". Why would he want advice? what kind of advice? why would he need it from me? why not Liam he's wiser. I snapped out of my thoughts when Jess walked into the room. She was wearing a towel. I got the message that I have to leave. I got up and walked to the door. "Where are you going"? she asked, looking down at her feet. "I'm leaving so you can dress". I replied. She nodded as I walked out of the room.

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