I cant get over you...

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I sighed to the sound of Harry's voice mail. I can't believe I'm trying to call him. Im trying to call him, to tell him I still love him. It's true, I do still love him, but I'm totally wasted so...

"Hello", Harry's voice spoke.

Shit! He answered, I'm screwed.

"Harry I-I"....I stuttered.

"Jessie, is that you"? He asked.

I nodded. I'm so stupid he can't see me. That's how drunk I am right now.

"Yea, I called to tell you that I still love you, but I can't forgive just yet. I guess". I mumbled.

I regretted saying all this shit.

"Are you drunk"? He asked.

"Yeah I'm wasted actually".

I never really drink so this must be a surprise to him.

"Then you don't mean that. Jess, you wouldn't be saying any of this if you weren't drunk". He whispered.

"Harry...It is true sadly. I'm pathetic. Obviously I can't compare to Kenzie, and even though I don't have a chance, I still love you. I'm not just saying this cause I'm drunk. The only reason I'm telling you this is because I'm drunk, but this is all true. I hate loving you Harry. I hate it. I hate spending everyday crying or feeling depressed, because I don't have you anymore. I don't want to love you, but my heart keeps on telling me your the one! I hate it, and I hate you. But yet I'm in love with you". I sighed.

Harry's P.O.V

She loves me? She hates me? I don't understand, but she loves me.

Why would she tell me this now, after I've been depressed for awhile now.

"W-what do you mean by you love me"? I asked.

"Harry are you fucking stupid? I love your smile, your eyes, your annoying but yet cute voice. I love how you sing in the shower and when you smile, because it shows your dimples. I love your tattoos and all the meanings behind them. I love you. I love you Harry". She sighed.

How dose she love me when I did that to her? I love her. I love how she remembers every little detail at me. I love her smile, and her eyes. The way she laughs, brings a smile to my face. God, I love everything about her.

"Harry! Harry! Are you died"! She shouted into the phone. I must of zoned out.

"No I'm here".

"Harry do you love me"? She asked. I was completely frozen.

"I- My phone shut off. Fuck! It's died.

Jessie's P.O.V

He really doesn't love me. He hanged up. I just confessed my feelings for that asshole, and he hanged up. I love him, and he says nothing, he hangs up the phone. I'm so stupid for thinking he loves me. For thinking he would change, he's no better than he was back in high school.

I felt tears falling down my face. Now I'm crying over this asshole.

I pulled out my diary and began to write.

Dear Harry,

You left me in the dust, when you hanged up. I'm in my house on my couch and I'm crying over you. You. Your always the person I'm crying over. It's always you. I'm completely wasted and I told you all my feelings that I still have for you, and you hang up. I'm so foolish for loving you.

I want to stay away from you. I want to keep our distance and there's only one way to do that, and that way is to....

I stopped writing when I heard my phone beep. I looked down to see Louis's number.

"Hey Jessica, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to a movie tomorrow"?

I sighed.

"Sorry Lou, I'll be gone", even though he didn't know what that meant. I knew what it meant. The only way to get away from Harry, it is the only way.

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