Weird being here again

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"Sorry...Im here". I sighed. "It's just my mothers a Bitch". I whispered. Niall nodded. "It's alright! I know what you mean". I love how Niall is so understanding.

"You wanna get Nando's"? He asked. What's with this boy and food? It's like him and food are in a relationship.

"I bet you have Nando's on speed dial. Don't you"? I rose my eyebrow and giggled.

"Of course I do! It's first on my emergency list". He stated. I laughed. He's so fucking funny.

"Hey it's no joke! Now let's go"! He opened the door.

"Can I have a piggy back"? I asked.

"Hell no! Your so heavy". He chuckled.

"Pleaseeeeeeeee"! I pouted.
He huffed.
"Okay"! He muttered in between his teeth. I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I haven't hung with Niall In so long. Well earlier today doesn't count. I mean alone. He's really fun to hang out with.
"You know you chocking me right"? His grip tightened around my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his waist, to make sure he doesn't drop me. Niall with his dirty tricks.
I leaned down to his ear and whispered
"I know"!. I could hear his cute Irish laugh.

"I see your car! Let me down"! I said. He nodded before dropping me on the grass. "Shit! I meant gently". I said. He chuckled.

I stood up and caught up to him. We hopped in the car.

Harry's P.O.V

I hate this. I hate the distance.
With me and Jess. I know it might not seem like it, but I do need her. I pulled out my journal and started to write.

- Harry

Dear Jessie

My feelings are strong and yours are thin.
I wish I never hurt you.

I wish it wasn't like this.

Our happy ever after,
Didn't come true.

The truth is I'm lost without you.

And I could already hear your voice telling me that I'm wrong.

But I'm not wrong. These are my feelings, and I feel like if I lose you, I'm loosing myself too.

This is wasn't a happy ending. I know.
But I want you to remember me as your high school crush. Not the guy, that broke you.

I didn't mean to brake you.

I took in a deep breath. I caused some many of her bad memories. I probably caused all of them, and for what.. The satisfaction of seeing you hurt.

God I'm such a dumbass.

I shut my black leather book. I looked at the door, to see it half open. I stood up and walked over to it. I shut it completely.

"Harry! We have a concert, tomorrow"! Louis shouted. I nodded I myself. I seem to be doing that a lot lately.

I just can't get over this brake up. It not like my usual ones. They've always been simple, and I get over it.
But with Jess, everything has to be harder.

And I mean everything.

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