A weird change~part one

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Jessie's P.O.V

Hey Jessie, what's up?
"Uh..do you wanna go out sometime"? I asked, scared of rejection.
I didn't really know how, to ask boys out.
"Sure, how about later, tonight at 8:00, I'll pick you up, okay"? he said, and walked off after he got his coffee.
I went home and searched for a good collage, I was starting collage in two months after Christmas. I had no idea how I was gonna tell Harry, it would be like the last time, we broke up, or maybe he could come with me.
I'll have to talk to him about it, when we get back together again, which should be in about two weeks.

As I got home, I got a text from Harry, it said, hope your not jelly, but I'm probably going out with a movie actress (aka) Selena Gomez.

I texted back just make sure Justin not there to kick your ass for touch his girlfriend.

Yeah right!
he texted back

Ok bye Harry I'm getting ready for my date. I texted him

With who?
he asked,

Niall! and I'm so excited because he's so adorable. I texted,

Hah hah, bye.
Bye! I texted back

I was all dolled up and ready for Niall,
I can't wait he's so cute, even with his sweet, sweet braces. They make him even more cute.
Ding dong!

I ran down stairs and opened the door, and saw the cute blonde boy. He was a little bit taller then me and his grayish blues eyes, sparkled in the little bit of moon light.
"All ready to go"? he asked, looking at me from head to toe.
"Yep, you look really hot". I said, wow I didn't even know how to flirt, without Harry around.

Niall's P.O.V

When we got to the restaurant, we were mostly talking about, what we have in common. But I know on thing that me and most of the guys have in common that we all thinks she beautiful, and that we have to have her.
I don't want to use her though, so I have to do this right.
After dinner we went back to my place, and watched a movie, then went straight up stairs, to my bedroom and I gently pushed, her on the bed as she slipped my shirt off.
Then I took her top off and eventually we were naked, and on top of each other making out and inserting my thing. We had so much fun having sex, hah it sounded weird but I'm Niall, a retard.

"So, what's up"? Niall asked, and I turn to stair her.
"Um...Niall, what's up, is that we just had sex". She said, probably trying to be casual.
"I have a question"? I asked her, and she just turns around.
okay ask. she said as she looked at me with a blank expression.
"Uh, so your not dating harry anymore"? I asked.

Jessie's P.O.V

Um it completed, Niall .
Go on, Niall nods.
Well we agreed to not date for awhile, to gang back or trust. Because we lost it, so basically will get back together, in like 2 weeks. And the best thing is that, even if were dating someone else, we automatically ditch them, and we start dating again.

"Wow! isn't that mean and won't it break the people that your dating hearts?

I guess, I don't know it depends,
on who were using.
I have to go Niall, sorry it's just my moms coming in town and shit. I lied,
"Ok bye", he said as I waved and went out of the door.
I feel bad for lying to Niall, but it just feels so weird, now that's it's not with Harry. I not getting use to this change,

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