Part 4

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You sit comfortably down in the red velvet armchair offered to you, and take a good, long look at the long dead former headmistress of Gravity Falls High School. 'Wow, she's beautiful! Could something like that have really run Gravity Falls High?' Ms Edgecombe was a very tall, willowy woman with an impressive amount of chocolate brown curls piled like peas on top of her head. She had rosy cheeks, glassy lips the colour of Turkish delight and inquisitive amber eyes that glittered when she spoke. She wore an ankle long banana yellow dress with a velvet belt around the waist and dainty mirror tipped black dress shoes. She also had a flat matching hat pressed to the right side of her curls, and black netting over her face. She never stopped smiling. In other words, she was the picture of youth and health.

When you and your Nightmare went into the mist, you soon came upon a small cottage. Before you could knock, the door was opened from the inside by the lovely Ms Edgecombe. She and your Nightmare had exchanged a few words quietly, and then you were both invited in with great grace and welcome. She had directed you to the closeted living area, a stuffy room filled with cushions, cabinets, and boxes of chocolates. She sat you and your Nightmare down either side of her.

"So, (y/n) is your name yes?" Ms Edgecombe asked innocently. You nod. She smiles broadly "Bi-" Your Nightmare's eye flashed, and a gash appeared in Ms Edgecombe's cheek. She jumps, and you grin at your Nightmare gratefully. You were a bit miffed with the whole 'Ms Edgecombe' thing now, she was much to simpering for your liking. She organises herself and begins again, dabbing at her cut cheek with a pristine white handkerchief. "Well, what I meant to Nightmare here (Your Nightmare nodded. Ms Edgecombe seemed relived) tells me that you attend my school outside the Mindscape?" Your Nightmare's eye flashes again, and a second cut appeared in Ms Edgecombe's cheek. She jumps again. You grin evilly.

Your Nightmare stands up and stretches, momentarily taking up the entire room. "Well, Ms Edgecombe, me and (y/n) must be going. Thank you for the tea!" You stand up as well, and thank Ms Edgecombe for her company. She lets you out of the house with 'DON'T COME BACK!!!' written all over her face. Your Nightmare turns to you "(Y/n)? Do you mind if dear Ms Edgecombe and I had a moment?" Ms Edgecombe shakes her head frantically behind your Nightmare's back, but you were very ready for Ms Edgecombe to meet her maker (only later did you remember that, technically, she already had). Your Nightmare and Ms Edgecombe go back in the house. You hear quiet voices, and then an alarming hissing noise, like air being sucked back through rotten teeth (For those who have never hears such thing, it is quite a spine-tingling sound). Your Nightmare comes back out alone, and you and he leave the cottage behind. Until...

"Wait!" You say suddenly, you run back to the cottage and put your palms together. You hear your Nightmare behind you. You weren't sure if this was going to work, but why shouldn't it? You concentrate with all your might on Ms Edgecombe's face, her pathetic voice, that sweaty living room. Your hands clench into fists. You imagine yourself in a white expanse, with the memory of the Ms Edgecombe in one, and the memory of a camp fire night in the other. 'Please work, please work, please work!' You concentrate hard on the white expanse, and smash your hands together, blending the two memories together. You separate your hands, seeing a thick yellow paste on each. The paste gets warmer, and warmer, it starts to burn you. You feel a cool hand on your shoulder, and you snap back to the black and white world, where pathetic Ms Edgecombe's cottage is in flames. The hand on your shoulder is your Nightmare's.

You and he watch the cottage slowly burn to the ground, occasionally chuckling, enthralled, as some things caused small explosions. You were intrigued when you realised what you could do in this world. Experimenting with this new-found power would take up the next few nights, assuming your Nightmare would stay of course, but you had no idea what you would do without him at this point. Finally, the last of the fire went out. You opened your hands, and were surprised to see they were burned badly 'oops, must have overdone that a little' your Nightmare reached out to touch your injury, but you but up a hand. You closed your eyes, thinking of two healthy palms. Upon opening them, you of course see two unblemished palms.

Your Nightmare puts an arm around your shoulders and ruffles your hair. "That's my girl! But unfortunately, it's time to get up." You listen hard, and sure enough, you hear the far-off echo of your alarm. You turn to your Nightmare. "You'll be here tomorrow, right?" He chuckles. 'Yes of course, if you wish it. I suspect you will want to investigate your control over this place further?" You nod. "I think I might try to destroy a city... that sounds fun..." Your Nightmare laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow!" he leaned in. "Sweet dreams (y/n)..." You feel the tiredness overcome you, and you sink to the ground.

Please let me know what you think of this chapter, I worked really hard on it... Hope the length of it makes up for the last chapter...OMG just realised the time...gotta go! Sweet Dreams!

See Ya!

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