Part 19

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Heronica Pacifier leapt at you like a cheetah and pinned you to the ground. "So, thought you might lets the pines family out for a little stroll? Well, I imagine Bill wont be very pleased with you when he finds out!" She licks her lips delightedly in anticipation. "I hope he doesn't mind if I take a little bight out of his prize!" She opens her mouth wide and her sharp teeth close around you arm. You scream and point your other arm straight up in the air. There is a crack, and the moster is ripped from you and smashes into the wall, blowing past the door and hitting the wall inside the pines family cell. You are angry now, you can feel it, the blind anger coursing through your veins like fire. She stands, shaking with anger, and holds out an arm, but you beat her to it. You blink, and when you open your eyes, they are the exact golden hue that you knew so well. "Don't you dare touch us, you don't understand at all how far I've come for him, but that's all right, I know how to show you!!" You stare unblinkingly at Heronica Pacifier, and she stares back, your golden eyes reflected in her's.

You leave the room just a few minutes later, with Heronica Pacifier dead on the floor, and your eyes retured to their usual shade of (e/c). You run back upstairs to the penthouse, the power and satifaction killing brought still inside of you, sending chills throughout. You burst into the penthouse, waking your Nightmare from his peaceful and long awaited slumber. "(Y/n)? What..?" You grab his hand and drag him away from the brightly lit room, back to the draughty hallway. He stumbles and gasps for breath but you do not let him stop moving, if he regained any sense of reason, all was lost. You take him flying down the hallway, down the long flight of steps, to the ground. You stop, and he falls to his knees in exhastion. You hold his face in your hands, and you see the fear in his eye. "Do you trust me?" You ask desperately. He nods sleepily. "Then don't fight me." You drag him to the tree and pull both his arms around it, ckicking your fingers to make a chain. This you put around both his hands, essentially chaining him to the tree.

You come back around. "Now close your eyes." He does so without hesitation, shutting them tight. You place the ten candles around him and call out. "It's safe." You look back to him, but his eyes are still closed. You could feel your heart throbbing. He trusted you so completely. Sixer and his family appered from behind a neighbouring shrubbery, and came up. Sixer held out a hand, and you gave him the three matches. Very carefully, he lit the ten candles and after he lighted the tenth, he placed the still-burning flame on his tongue, where it left a burn. Immediately he began to speak long words of jibberish without drawing breath. He was still speaking when your Nightmare suddenly let out a cry of pain. You felt a tear fall down your cheek, and feel a pair of little arms around you. You look down to see ShootingStar giving you a hug around the legs.

"STOP! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!!!" Your Nightmare shouted at the top of his lungs. He sceamed and screamed and screamed until his voice disappered, and he was just opening and closing his mouth and looking at you with horror and confusing riddling his beautiful face. You could not look away. After a short while that seemed to last forever, he stopped, and leaned his head back, stretching his white neck. His chest rode and fell rapidly, and his breath was loud and genuine. "My love, what have you done to me?"

You clasp you hands together and press them to your face. He looks at you, sadly, but then he dips his head. "Ah, I was a fool to trust you my love, a fool, for I see it now, you have trapped me in the body I so vainly made for myself. How clever, using a gift for you against me." You look away from him, your neck cricking from it's lack of movement. You open your coat and take out the memory gun. You point it at the dead man wearing you Nightmare's frown, and type into the grill; BILL CIPHER.

You step forward, and the machine in your hands is shaking. He looks at you, and the ghost of a triumphant smile dances across his perfect lips. "Do it (y/n), you've come all this way to destroy me, what are you waiting for? A kiss? A Goodbye? You'll have to beg for it, dearie." You snarl. "I loved you, I loved you to much. People like you and me don't deserve love, and that's why I have to do it, please, tell me you understand! I need to know you understand!" He smiles, an evil chesire cat grin that shows the madness within. He laughed out loud, the flawless sound washing over you and making you come a step closer, the machine dropping ever so slightly lower. "Don't deserve to love, (y/n)? I deserve whatever I deem as my property, and that includes you." He leans forward as much as he can and tilts his head back, licking his lips.

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