Part 12

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You wander aimlessly around the halls of the FearAmid, humming a tune your mother taught you to sing when you had something on your mind. The world was yours, you had everything you could ever want. But somehow, in some elusive way, you were unsatisfied. It was only when you were away from him. He had a new project, he was trying to get someone to tell him where the pines family was. He had no use for them of course, it was just entertainment. It was rare he left your side nowadays, and you were fine with that. You came round a corner and found uorself looking up at the towering form of Heronica Pacifier. She was nearly three times the size of you, and the way she looked at your Nightmare disturbed you in a big way. She growled, and you ran backwards, nearly tripping over your own feet. She stormed past, steam quite literally coming off her.

You lean against the wall, your chest heaving. You swore that some day, your Nightmare was going to leave you to your own devices, and one of his 'friends' would rip you limb from limb as soon as you were out of his sight. Determined to find him before you met your death in the hallway, you sprinted down the hall, quickly getting lost in the labrinthyne pathways. Then doorways started appering along the walls. All were locked and bolted with chains and pegs, but you could still hear the noises coming from them.

One was screaming, and you recognised (p/y/h)'s voice. You shivered and continued on. From the next doors you heard a mother comforting her child, mad gibberings, a crying boy, pacing, and many, too many doors were silent as the grave, and stank of death.

The last door was unlocked, in fact, it was just a regular, wooden door. You pushed it open and you saw four sets of two glowing blue chains. Above each was a golden plaque. You whispered there separate engravings under your breath. Pinetree, ShootingStar, Sixer, CresentMoon. Your realised that this was the room for the pines family, chained up, but with freedom beckoning just meters away. No doubt your Nightmare planned to keep the door just open, so a sliver of light shined apon their pitiful, mudstreaked faces. You shivered, and left the room with wide eyes. Jut after leaving the room, you hear a small voice. You see a pair of double doors that had come open just a little. The door were desinged exactly like the wall, so you hadn't seen them closed, you had walked right past it. You press you eye against the door.

Inside you see a huge chamber, with a young girl spreadeagled in the air. In front of her, floating in midair, was your Nightmare. He appered to be interogating her. Four glowing blue chains held her arms and legs. Each chain went to a corner of the room, went through a steel loop, and snaked back to your Nightmare's hand. If he pulled on the chains, the girl would be pulled in all four directions. You opened the door a little wider, and you heard the coversation.

"Just tell me, Ellie, and I will let you see your brother, would you like that, to hold him? To make sure he's fine? That he's safe? Well, all you have to do is tell me. Are they in the cave? The Mystery Shack? Come now, Ellie, you want to see your brother again, don't you?"

"Please, I don't know, I don't know anything, don't hurt him! PLEASE!!"

Your Nightmare pulled on the chains in his hands, and the little girl started to cry. You stood, mildly nausiated, as after a couple more minutes of wheedling, the girl finally broke.

"Ok, Ok I'll tell you, they're in the shack! Please let me see my Benjamin!"

"Very well, you can see him, if you really want...Say hello, Ben!"


You hear the sound of something hitting the ground, and sobbing. Your Nightmare bursts through the double doors. He tucked a lock of hair behind his ear, and you run forward and hang on to him for dear life. "Woah! (Y/n)! Are you okay? You seem...excited?" You shiver. "Nightmare, I think next time you leave me alone, Heronica Pacifier is going to eat me. Your Nightmare's expression hardened, he let out a low growl. He held you tight. "(Y/n), I hope you realise that if anyone dares to touch even a hair on your head they will meet an unholy end."

You still didn't let go, and he sighed. He swept your feet up off the floor and carried you, bridal style, back up to the penthouse. He pushed his way into the penthouse, and laid you down on the living furniture. The counch groaned. "Shut it! I swear, if you don't shut up, I'm getting a real counch!" The counch fell silent instantly. You closed your eyes. You heard the most quiet of footsteps. You shot out your hand and pulled him back. "Don't leave." You said weakly. Your Nightmare stroked your cheek, tracing your eyebrow and lipline. "I won't" He said. You put his hand in your own, and sank into the cushion. "I know."

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